Guarantee Remote Surrogacy Programs at FHRG

The coronavirus outbreak was out of control, WHO declared a worldwide pandemic in January 2020. At that time, many people were trapped in their countries.
The pandemic was later cancelled by the WHO in 2023. But new threats of pandemics appear periodically. It’s hard to imagine what it’s like now for those who, with the beginning of spring, planned to let the happiness of parenthood into their lives through reproductive medicine. Many countries where surrogacy is allowed may not be available in the coming months. But if your time to build a family has arrived right now - let no restrictions bother you!
Feskov Human Reproduction Group has developed special remote surrogacy programs for the period of quarantines.
The era of the coronavirus is the time for making informed and important decisions that are guaranteed to bring results.
And our solution for those who want to become parents is just that.
It doesn't matter where you are now. If your partner can provide sperm to freeze in his country, then we can deliver it to us. And then in the near future your dream will come true - you will become parents.
We have included the service of transporting your cryosperm or cryoembryos from anywhere in all FHRG packages.
This means that we can start your surrogacy program at a time when your frozen material (sperm or embryos) will be in our possession. And for this you don't need to come to the clinic. It is enough to contact our manager to clarify the details.
The perfect package for this Remote surrogacy program VIP
It already includes everything you need to achieve pregnancy, only the sperm of your partner is missing.
Remote surrogacy program process

We are also ready for your most cherished wishes and fill the program in accordance with your request:
- selection of an exotic donor
- European donor selection
- choosing the sex of the future child in all-inclusive programs
- absence of a waiting list
And all this is on mutual loyal terms within the Feskov Human Reproduction Group packages.
Just determine your needs and wishes, let us know and everything will be executed in the best possible way according to your requirements and finances.
For those who are accustomed to getting the maximum result - at your service is the DeLuxe package, which contains the best of FHRG's 25 years of work. This is a service of the highest class, which has no analogues among surrogate motherhood clinics in Ukraine.
We are also open to those who have a more economical budget - Balance and Comfort packages will allow you to achieve results even with a limited budget.
Each of the programs is an effective way to parenthood! Now and in conditions of global quarantine.
All you need to become parents is three specific steps.
First step: You come to the clinic of our partners in your country of residence in order to examine the quality of your sperm and freeze samples. Then, sperm samples are sent to Ukraine.
The second step: in the clinic of Professor Feskov we achieve the pregnancy of a surrogate mother with the help of an egg donor and your sperm.
The third step: a surrogate mother gives birth in the Czech Republic, Belgium, Great Britain, USA, Canada, Portugal, Greece or Ukraine (the choice of country depends on the individual situation of each patient)
And after the due time, you arrive in your chosen country at the time of the birth of the long-awaited child.
This is also a great opportunity not to postpone parenthood for those who already have frozen embryos in the clinic of their country.
We are ready to carry out the program with the transportation and transfer of embryos to the uterus of surrogate mother in Ukraine, and she will be able to come to you for childbirth.
What is included in the program:
- transportation of any quantity of your embryos and sperm transportation
- gender selection of the future child
- transfer of embryos to the uterus of surrogate mother
- guarantee until a surrogate mother gives birth
- childbirth in the Czech Republic, Belgium, Netherlands, Portugal, Austria and Greece
We are sympathetic to the current situation, and therefore created new packages. The VIP Guarantee Remote and Balance Guarantee Remote packages are valid for the quarantine period of your country. At the end of the quarantine, you need to switch to the VIP Guarantee and Balance Guarantee packages on standard conditions that will give you more chances for guaranteed parenthood.
Our Customer Service Representatives are eager to help you with whatever you need.
Each remote program is individual, but there are several general points:
- Medical and legal consultations before the signing of the contract are free of charge.
- Medical examinations (blood and sperm tests) should be done at FHRG partner clinics.
- According to the terms of the VIP Guarantee Remote package, the Center for Human Reproduction of Professor A. Feskov guarantees the birth of a healthy baby with sex determination. In case of a miscarriage, regardless of the duration of the pregnancy / death of the child before childbirth, the entire program will be carried out at our expense until the future parents have a child.
- Countries of birth of children in the EU: Czech Republic, Belgium, Portugal, Austria, Greece, Netherlands. The country is determined according to the individual situation.
- Legal support depends on the country of residence of the parents. From registration of birth certificate to issuance of all necessary documents for departure with the baby home.
If you are citizens of one of these countries, where a surrogate mother gives birth (by our offer), it will give you an additional advantage! The main final part of the program will be held at your home and under your control. After birth, the child receives a birth certificate, our partner lawyers will assist in obtaining the citizenship of the country of the parents and in arranging a simplified adoption procedure for the recognition of the genetic mother, the spouse, as the legal mother of the newborn. If you wish, you can involve your specialist.
In these difficult circumstances, our offer is unique: no border closures will prevent you from embarking on the way to long-awaited parenthood!
We’re actually offering you the miracle of becoming the real parents of a real, healthy child even when it seems impossible.
- Surrogate motherhood - how not to be deceived
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- Pregnancy After Miscarriage: Getting Pregnant
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- Women's Age And Fertility
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- Egg donation in the Czech Republic
- How to Become a Surrogate Mother
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- International Surrogacy Program Ukraine-Canada
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Why are there so many surrogate mothers in Ukraine?
read moreBecause Ukraine is one of the first countries where surrogacy is allowed. Even in Ukraine salaries are low and many women want to improve their financial condition. There is also good medicine here, so women are not afraid.Where is surrogacy the cheapest?
read moreThe cheapest things in Ukraine, of course.