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Canadian citizenship

Having a child in Canada through surrogacy is an opportunity for people who have faced infertility to become parents and obtain citizenship of this country for their child. Along with citizenship, your child will receive many great bonuses! Free access to progressive Canadian medicine, a government loan for studying at a university, the right to live in many countries of the world - a great gift for your child.

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A child born in Canada from foreign parents

Surrogacy is an actively gaining popularity area of ​​reproductive medicine, allowing you to become parents despite infertility of any genesis.

A child born in Canada from foreign parents receives a Canadian passport and all the bonuses that come with it. Canadian citizenship through surrogacy is acquired by right of soil, that is, by birth on the territory of the country. Within the framework of the guaranteed program of Feskov Human Reproduction Group, you will become parents of a healthy child-citizen of Canada by paying a fixed price of the service package once!

  • legality of surrogacy in Canada;
  • high-level medicine at every stage: at the start of the program in Ukraine and at the birth of the child in Canada. Future parents receive assistance from experienced doctors and qualified personnel, as well as access to the latest reproductive technologies;
  • financial accessibility: the birth of a child in Canada within the framework of the international program of Feskov Human Reproduction Group is several times cheaper than within the framework of direct cooperation with Canadian reproductive clinics;
  • high level of security in the country;
  • Possibility of PGD (pre-implantation genetic diagnosis) to exclude chromosomal aberrations in a child;
  • guaranteed programs at a fixed cost without hidden additional payments;
  • a long history of success: the clinic has been operating since 1995, children born in Feskov Human Reproduction Group live in 53 countries of the world.
  • Ethical issue: unlike a Canadian surrogate mother, where there are more than 10 prospective parents per surrogate mother, which in turn leads to a violation of ethical relationships of choice, humiliation of people who are faced with infertility at the level of "I like you - I don't like you", we provide you with a mutually compromise approach based on mutual understanding of all three parties, while observing altruistic principles, according to Canadian legislation.

Want some more information? We will help you without compromise!

For those who are planning Canadian citizenship for a child through surrogacy, Feskov Human Reproduction Group has developed an international program, within the framework of which you are guaranteed to become parents in Canada at Ukrainian prices.
Evaluate the conditions, choose the set of services you need and get ready to welcome a little Canadian citizen into your family!
STANDART Guarantee Birth in Canada
STANDART Guarantee Birth in Canada

Guaranteed birth of child in Canada with obtainian Canadian passport. Full medical and legal support from first visit to clinic in Ukraine to leaving Canada with child.

110 000€
Autores, colaboradores - Vladyslav Feskov Linkedin Feskov author profile Facebook Feskov author profile
Autores, colaboradores:
Vladyslav Feskov
Chief of the Surrogate motherhood Center of professor Feskov
published: 14 January 2025
updated   : 24 January 2025
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