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Ukraine's surrogate mothers struggle under quarantine

The crisis COVID-19 has affected all areas of human activity. It did not bypass reproductive medicine, in particular surrogacy. In the spring of 2020, during quarantine, Ukraine found itself in the very epicenter of an international scandal related to this method of ART. 

Dec 16, 2021
COVID-19, Egg Donation and Surrogacy: What you need to know

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about unprecedented changes around the world. And the field of reproductive medicine is no exception. However, the desire of many people to become real dads and moms outweighs even the fear of illness. 

Feb 04, 2021
Treatment at Feskov Human Reproduction Group during the quarantine period

Each country now independently determines the rules for the entry of foreign citizens, due to the global pandemic COVID 19. Ukraine is no exception.

Oct 07, 2020
FHRG Commentary on BioTexCom Scandal

Controversial and debatable issues regarding surrogate motherhood in Ukraine are raised not the first time in the last year. Today we decide to comment extensively on events and express our point of view.

May 20, 2020
Guarantee Remote Surrogacy Programs at FHRG

The coronavirus outbreak was out of control, WHO declared a worldwide pandemic in January 2020. At that time, many people were trapped in their countries.

Apr 29, 2020


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