Genomics is the science of the human genetic apparatus, which studies the structure of the genes of their functions and participation in the formation of the characteristics of the organism. It allows us to understand in detail how genes work, how they affect the functioning of the organism and interact with each other. This makes it possible to predict and influence the variability of generations of a species (in our case, a human).
Human genomics is a scientific area that studies human genes and investigates their structure and functions. Thanks to human genomics, we can understand in detail how certain genes function, how they affect the body and how they interact with each other.
The study of our genes opens up new opportunities in medicine and helps a lot in reproductology. Thanks to modern technology, you can make an accurate DNA analysis, decipher the genotype, analyze whether hereditary diseases are embedded in your genes and make your child come into the world healthy.
Everyone has genetic mutations in their genome that do not manifest themselves and do not have a negative impact on health. This is completely normal. But when a child receives from father and mother two identical "sleeping" mutations - their "activation" takes place, which leads to the development of hereditary diseases.
Watch the video to know more about technologies used for creating healthy embryos, eliminating gene and chromosomal pathologies and giving birth to a healthy baby. watch the full video
How exactly are the diseases activated?
The cells of the human body contain chromosomes, the chromosomes are made up of genes. Genes produce proteins that regulate the work of cells, and accordingly of the whole body. Mutations in the genes lead to the fact that the proper production of proteins is disturbed and this causes the occurrence of various pathologies.
Human genomics services offers future parents to protect their child from this and to avoid the occurrence of genetically determined diseases.
In order to create a genetically ideal person, we conduct a study of the genome (of all genes) of the biological father and thebiological mother of a child (or of the donor of the oocytes, the sperm donor) on all genetic mutations known to date in the genes that have a clinical manifestation or carry a risk for the quality of the child's life. Then, based on the mutations found, we make pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), which allows us to detect and examine mutations directly in the embryo. This makes it possible to get an absolutely healthy embryo, which will then be transferred to the uterine cavity. From this embryo carefully checked and selected, the perfect human is born - a genetically perfect healthy child!
Our technologies
It maximizes the chances of having a baby free from the disease for couples who have a high genetic risk
We can perform PGD for more than 500 disorders
Some genetic diseases are sex-linked, a DNA test will help find out if there is something similar in your genes and avoid danger.
Sex Selection
If you have always wanted a child of a particular sex, then in this case we can fulfill your dreams - choose the desired sex of the child during PGD
99% accuracy
Genetically healthy child
Considering ethnicity
We will put you in direct contact with the manager of the service you selected. You will be contacted as soon as possible.
What is human genomics used in reproductology for
Mutations occur in the genome of each of us. Most of them are in sleep mode, do not manifest themselves and do not have a negative impact on health. But if the father and the mother have the same mutation, then there is a risk that it can be activated in the child’s genome and cause a certain disease to occur.
If you make a DNA test at the stage of planning a child, you can find out in advance what genetic “bombs” are hidden in your genes and protect your future child from them.
To do this with the modern level of science is not so difficult. You will need to have your own genes tested in advance and find out if there are “sleeping” mutations in the genes that lead to various diseases. The DNA test will help identify predisposition to cancer, epilepsy, neuromuscular diseases, psychiatric diseases, asthma, allergic diseases, and many other diseases.
In our clinic, we investigate the genome of a married couple (or an egg donor and a sperm donor) for all currently known genetic mutations that can negatively affect the child’s quality of life.
Then, during IVF, all modern achievements of human genomics will be used again. After fertilization has occurred, pre-implantation diagnosis of the embryo is carried out - it is checked for the presence of mutations in the genes and at the same time the full set of chromosomes along with structural anomalies are examined. Then we select an absolutely healthy embryo and transfer it to the uterine cavity to achieve pregnancy.
Who can take advantage of such services:
- Families with hereditary diseases (for example, cystic fibrosis, hemophilia).
- People who themselves or whose relatives had cancer.
- Couples in whose families relatives suffer from multifactorial diseases, in the development of which hereditary predisposition plays a particular role (hypertension, autoimmune diseases, etc.).
- Couples who want to use donor eggs or sperm.
- Healthy men and women who want to be sure that they will have a healthy baby.
Human genomics and DNA research are of particular importance for those who plan to use donor eggs or donor sperm to achieve pregnancy.

Historical facts, how the first results appeared
Human genomics began to actively develop in the early 90s of the 20th century. The sequence of the genes of the bacteriophage was determined in 1977 first, then in 1995 - the bacterial genome. And already in 2001, and then in 2003, the structure of human DNA was determined.
Today, thanks to the achievements of human genomics, it is possible to successfully treat complex states. For example, in Wisconsin, a three-year-old child got to the hospital, whose intestines became swollen and inflamed. In three years, the child experienced 100 operations, but the disease did not disappear. Then they conducted a study of his DNA and found that the culprit of the disease is the XIAP protein. After setting an accurate diagnosis in 2010, a bone marrow transplant was performed and by the middle of June 2010 the child was able to eat for the first time in his life.
Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) began to be applied since 1998. The first successful delivery after conducting a DNA test for a couple who had a risk for recessive X-linked disease, took place in 1990. And in 1992, the first child was born after PGD in a married couple with a high risk of cystic fibrosis.
Today, DNA research in reproductive medicine is used by many countries. However, in some countries there are limitations. For example, using PGD diagnostics, one can not only have the genome analyzed, but also choose the sex of the child. In most countries, it is prohibited, but in Ukraine you can use this service, and it will be absolutely legal.
Who needs the service Human genomics services?
Who can use the service of Human genomics services and choose the birth of a genetically healthy child?
- Healthy couples, single men or women - all who want to have a baby, avoiding any possible risks associated with genetic problems.
- People with hereditary pathology of monogenic diseases (cystic fibrosis, hemophilia, spinal muscular atrophy and others, total about 400 diseases).
- People who have had oncological diseases. Including those who have family forms of cancer.
- People who have multifactorial diseases (hypertension, thrombophilia, autoimmune diseases and other common diseases in which hereditary predisposition plays a role).
How does it work?
Human genomics services includes the following stages:
- Blood test of a man and a woman - the biological parents of a future child. It can be partners from a married couple, or a sperm donor, an oocyte donor. A blood test of other relatives may also be performed, depending on the method of examination and the disease sought.
- The IVF program + preimplantation genetic diagnosis with the genetic testing + chromosomes on the embryo. Selecting a healthy embryo.
- Transfer of a healthy embryo (you choose the sex of the embryo) into the uterine cavity. The onset of pregnancy.
- The birth of a genetically perfect child Perfect human.
What programs Human genomics services are used for?
Human genomics services can be used if you choose the following programs:
- surrogate motherhood Guarantee,
- IVF Guarantee,
- egg donation Guarantee,
- embryo adoption guarantee.
Why do we offer these services only for guarantee packages? The fact is that the creation of a perfect human is a complex process. In order for you to have a healthy child with ideal genetics, our specialists need to put a lot of effort and perhaps it will take many attempts to achieve the desired result. Feskov human reproduction group takes all responsibility for the result, which is prescribed in the contracts of guarantee packages.
Necessary conditions for the program
- There are age restrictions for this service.
- Human genomics services is used only for guarantee packages of services. In the confines of Advanced VIP Guarantee packages (IVF program, donation of oocytes, surrogate motherhood).
- Before the beginning of the program, a preliminary examination is carried out, according to which a decision is made about the possibility of creating a healthy genetically ideal child.
What is Human genomics services?
Genomics is the science of the human genetic apparatus, which studies the structure of the genes of their functions and participation in the formation of the characteristics of the organism. It allows us to understand in detail how genes work, how they affect the functioning of the organism and interact with each other. This makes it possible to predict and influence the variability of generations of a species (in our case, a human).
Everyone has genetic mutations in their genome that do not manifest themselves and do not have a negative impact on health. This is completely normal. But when a child receives from father and mother two identical "sleeping" mutations - their "activation" takes place, which leads to the development of hereditary diseases.
How exactly are the diseases activated?
The cells of the human body contain chromosomes, the chromosomes are made up of genes. Genes produce proteins that regulate the work of cells, and accordingly ofthe whole body. Mutations in the genes lead to the fact that the proper production of proteins is disturbed and this causes the occurrence of various pathologies.
Human genomics services offers future parents to protect their child from this and to avoid the occurrence of genetically determined diseases.
In order to create a genetically ideal person, we conduct a study of the genome (of all genes) of the biological father and the biological mother of a child (or of the donor of the oocytes, the sperm donor) on all genetic mutations known to date in the genes that have a clinical manifestation or carry a risk for the quality of the child's life.
Then, based on the mutations found, we make pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), which allows us to detect and examine mutations directly in the embryo. This makes it possible to get an absolutely healthy embryo, which will then be transferred to the uterine cavity. From this embryo carefully checked and selected, the perfect human is born - a genetically perfect healthy child!
Our Customer Service Representatives are eager to help you with whatever you need.
How does human genomics help you select an oocyte donor?
Literally every second letter that comes to our clinic concerns donor oocytes. Usually couples are looking for a woman who has similar facial features, skin color, eye shape, body shape, and this is understandable, because parents want the child to be like them. But it is necessary to pay attention not only to external manifestations, but also to know what the genome of an oocyte donor carries.
The selection of an egg donor from a photograph or through personal meetings is based primarily on emotions. But it is important to evaluate an oocyte donor woman not only from an emotional, but also from a scientific point of view. You can use a scientific approach and have DNA research conducted.
All oocyte donors in all reproductive clinics are examined, but genetic studies are rarely carried out because of their high cost. Often, clinics simply ask candidates if they have any hereditary diseases, and take their word for it. But such behavior is fraught with unforeseen situations in the future.
In the Feskov Human Reproduction Group, we have repeatedly faced situations when girls came to us - beauties, clever women, with higher education and healthy children who wanted to become oocyte donors. They said that they were healthy, and the usual medical examination confirmed this. But the DNA test showed a completely different picture. It was found, for example, that the hereditary form of aggressive cancer was embedded in the genes. And only after the presentation of the test results to them, the girls admitted that their relatives were really sick with the disease we had found.
The conclusion from this story: better than DNA, nobody will tell about a person. Whatever the famous doctor from the promoted clinic tells you how good their donor is, you can check whether the donor really has healthy genes only by using human genomics and performing high-precision laboratory DNA tests.
Only then your story with the search for an egg donor is guaranteed to have a happy ending. And you will have a healthy baby.
What does most reproductive clinics offer regarding human genomics? And how to choose a really good offer for Human Genomiсs?
Many clinics and agencies offer to choose an egg donor from a photo, and besides they take photos from social networks. Thus, they sell you a “pig in a poke” and you cannot know how healthy this potential donor is and which genetics that person has.
Quite often, clinics examine the genome for only 5 of the most common mutations: they check for hemophilia, cystic fibrosis, spinal muscular atrophy, fragile X-chromosome syndrome. But this is not enough! Modern human genomics can offer you much more.
Signs of a really honest clinic approach to the Human Genomiсs:
- Carrying out a full-fledged genetic analysis of DNA and selection of the donor by DNA. DNA testing should cover all clinically significant diseases, identify currently known mutant genes that can be passed from you or from donors on to your child.
- Respect for the emotional needs of clients and maximum assistance in getting by the client the desired phenotype of the child. In the Feskov human reproduction group, you can get acquainted with the donor and get legal confirmation that this particular donor will provide you with biological material and that your child will have her genes.
What reproductive services using human genomics are offered by the Feskov human reproduction group.
We care about our clients and want to make them happy, so we use the most advanced medical technologies to ensure the health of the future child. Here you can do a DNA analysis of your married couple and together with your doctor make a selection of an egg donor by DNA.
We study in detail first the DNA of biological parents, conduct a study of all genes for all currently known clinical significant genotypic diseases and mutations that carry health risks for the child. In some cases, it may be necessary to examine the blood of relatives. After all, we do not just reveal the presence of a particular gene, but also look at how they behave in different generations. Such deep research is important so that we can guarantee you the birth of a healthy child.
Then, taking into account the detected mutations, we do PGD, which makes it possible to identify mutations in the embryo. So we choose an absolutely healthy embryo, which is then transferred into the uterus. As a result, perfect human is born - a genetically perfect healthy child!
If you have always wanted a child of a particular sex, then in this case we can fulfill your dreams - choose the desired sex of the child during PGD.
But you have to remember, the decisive argument in choosing the sex of a child is DNA test. Even if you really want a girl, but the result of DNA test will recommend you a boy, it is better to make a choice, prompted by science. Some genetic diseases are sex-linked, a DNA test will help find out if there is something similar in your genes and avoid danger.
Are you ready to be examined? All you need to do is to get your blood tested and wait for the result. And then to carry out the IVF procedure and follow our instructions as part of the guarantee package. As a result, you will get pregnant, and the embryo placed in the cavity of your uterus will be with absolutely healthy genes.
We offer programs with guaranteed results, i.e. even if, with the first attempt, the embryo transfer into the uterine cavity does not lead to pregnancy, we will repeat the attempts until this happens. After that, we will help you to bear the child, deliver and legally draw up the documents for your baby.
You can also use the services of a surrogate mother. In this case, she will bear your baby, you will also have the opportunity to be aware of everything that is happening with your baby, monitor its intrauterine development and be present at childbirth.
In the Feskov human reproduction group you will be able to use the latest reproductive technologies with guaranteed results and reproduce a healthy baby, whom a happy future without genetic diseases awaits!
Who needs the service Human genomics services?
Who can use the service of Human genomics services and choose the birth of a genetically healthy child?
Healthy couples, single men or women - all who want to have a baby, avoiding any possible risks associated with genetic problems.
People with hereditary pathology of monogenic diseases (cystic fibrosis, hemophilia, spinal muscular atrophy and others, total about 400 diseases).
People who have had oncological diseases. Including those who have family forms of cancer.
People who have multifactorial diseases (hypertension, thrombophilia, autoimmune diseases and other common diseases in which hereditary predisposition plays a role).
How does it work?
Human genomics services includes the following stages:
- Blood test of a man and a woman - the biological parents of a future child. It can be partners from a married couple, or a sperm donor, an oocyte donor. A blood test of other relatives may also be performed, depending on the method of examination and the disease sought.
- The IVF program + preimplantation genetic diagnosis with the genetic testing + chromosomes on the embryo. Selecting a healthy embryo.
- Transfer of a healthy embryo (you choose the sex of the embryo) into the uterine cavity. The onset of pregnancy.
- The birth of a genetically perfect child Perfect human.
What programs Human genomics services are used for?
Human genomics services can be used if you choose the following programs:
- surrogate motherhood Guarantee,
- IVF Guarantee,
- egg donation Guarantee,
- embryo adoption guarantee.
Why do we offer these services only for guarantee packages? The fact is that the creation of a perfect human is a complex process. In order for you to have a healthy child with ideal genetics, our specialists need to put a lot of effort and perhaps it will take many attempts to achieve the desired result. Feskov human reproduction group takes all responsibility for the result, which is prescribed in the contracts of guarantee packages.
Necessary conditions for the program
- There are age restrictions for this service.
- Human genomics services is used only for guarantee packages of services. In the confines of Advanced VIP Guarantee packages (IVF program, donation of oocytes, surrogate motherhood).
- Before the beginning of the program, a preliminary examination is carried out, according to which a decision is made about the possibility of creating a healthy genetically ideal child.
How much does a surrogate mom cost?
read moreUsually from $ 20,000 when the person is adequate and participates in a good surrogacy program. In this case, the amount of the surrogate mother's remuneration is included in the cost of the entire program. The minimum price of the program is 37,000 €, the average is 50-60,000 €, and in a special case up to 80,000 €.How much is it to have a sergeant mother?
read moreIf you are a very successful person and have very good friends, then it may be free. The most common amounts are 10,000 - 20,000 €. But, as practice shows, it is safer when the surrogate mother is a proven woman with good physiology and psychologically stable woman. The selection of a surrogate mother, her constant check for a healthy lifestyle, drug therapy, etc. should be carried out by medical specialists, and saving on your future child and his health cannot be estimated with money.What is BioTexCom?
read moreThis is a surrogacy clinic in Kiev (Ukraine). Known for working with guaranteed programs, as well as several scandals. The largest one is the accusation of human trafficking. It is listed as open in the register of criminal cases.