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International Surrogacy Program Ukraine-Canada

  1. How surrogacy happens in international programs Ukraine - Canada - stages
  2. Legal drawing up documents for a child in Canada
  3. Benefits of delivery in Canada

Surrogacy in Ukraine – this is loyal legislation, attractive prices, high-quality medicine, quick drawing up documents for the child, receipt of birth certificates for the newborn, affordable advanced reproductive technologies. On the other hand, Ukraine does not satisfy the following requests of future parents:

  • legal preferences and benefits for the future child at the place of birth;
  • obtaining citizenship of a stable state, passport of a citizen;
  • receiving bonuses and benefits from the state at the place of birth;
  • free movement around the world;
  • free entry and long-term legal stay in most of the countries of the world;
  • a simplified procedure for legalizing a child in the country of biological parents.

Some countries have biases against surrogacy. Sometimes there are difficulties with the legalization of a child born in Ukraine. But Canadian law is loyal to this type of ART. Legal issues with the legalization of documents are resolved in the manner proven through years, according to the current legislation and the experience of the legal team. This is especially important if surrogate motherhood is prohibited in the country of residence of the genetic parents (intended parents), and they are considering options for how to return to the country and immediately enjoy life without efforts on legal aspects. It is known that the level of medical care in Canada is at its best.

You can find a surrogacy agency and clinic in Canada and organize everything yourself. Yes, you will receive a passport of a Canadian citizen for your child, with all the privileges arising from this, but at the same time you will experience:

  • high costs for medicine (due to the lack of guaranteed programs);
  • significant expenses to compensate the costs of the Canadian surrogate mother;
  • huge costs to pay for the services of Canadian lawyers;
  • potential bureaucratic expenses for returning with the child to the country of residence;
  • lost time and nerves, and much more.

That is why the specialists of the Feskov Human Reproduction Group have developed a unique combination of advantages of both countries just for you! Let us look at how the guaranteed package of VIP and Deluxe classes works with delivery in Canada with the services of a surrogate mother and, if necessary, with oocyte donation.

By combining the capabilities of the Canadian and Ukrainian programs, future parents receive all the benefits of Canadian citizenship for the baby in the territory of birth (according to the law jus soli - under the law of the soil), namely:

  • a passport of a citizen of Canada, recognized worldwide;
  • free entry and long-term legal stay in most of the countries of the world;
  • high level of social protection; SIN (social insurance number) of a citizen of Canada
  • free medicine and school education;
  • student loan from the educational foundation of Canada (Canadian educational bond) for admission to the university;
  • the lowest crime rate in the world;
  • the opportunity to live, study and work not only in Canada but also in the USA;
  • good ecology and other bonuses you can ask our manager about.

And all this they can easily achieve at a reasonable price, taking advantage of all the opportunities and privileges of professional guaranteed Ukrainian medicine from the Feskov Human Reproduction Group, namely:

  • guaranteed programs of the all-inclusive type, created for individual requests;
  • unlimited number of IVF + PGD programs;
  • insurance against risks (in case of termination of pregnancy at any time, the procedure is repeated until a successful result);
  • proven databases of surrogate mothers and donors;
  • genetic screening of the embryo using PGD / NGS;
  • determining the sex of the future baby;
  • full legal support;
  • full support 24/7 and guest service.

This unique program is the result of the coordinated work of our highly professional fertility doctors and lawyers. It greatly simplifies the legalization of the baby and brings significant additional dividends in the future. And last but not least, this program is cheaper than a similar service from Canadian clinics and their associated agencies!

How surrogacy happens in international programs Ukraine - Canada - stages

            To have an idea of the process algorithms, the entire program can be divided into the following stages:

  1. Information and analytical stage. Arrival of future parents in Ukraine, a comprehensive medical examination, including preliminary treatment of the man with an andrologist, in case of problems with sperm, cryopreservation of genetic material, medical advice (according to the conditions of the selected package of services). By the way, many procedures are done remotely, which saves not only the clients' time, but also money (there is no need to spend money on travel). But in case of a personal visit, transfer, accommodation in VIP apartments, three meals a day, an interpreter and other household issues are included. Plus - legal advice, individual drafting a contract.
  2. The stage of achieving pregnancy through the IVF + PGD program. In addition to in vitro fertilization itself (conception in vitro), this includes a range of reproductive manipulations. This is an unlimited number of hormonal stimulations of the ovaries of the donor, the use of advanced methods for the selection of high-quality spermatozoa (PICSI, IMSI), determination of viable embryos, their freezing, genetic screening of PGD / NGS, determination of the sex of the baby. After creating an embryo ready for transfer, a surrogate mother is provided depending on the package (with or without waiting mode). In packages of the Deluxe class, it is possible to select a surrogate mother from our database. Doctors of the clinic carry out an unlimited number of transfers of embryos into the uterine cavity of a surrogate mother, necessary to achieve the main result - pregnancy and childbirth. All logistics programs are structured in such a way that at the time of the transfer, according to Canadian law, a contract for gestation was already signed between parents and a surrogate mother and all requirements of Canadian law regarding the presence of independent Canadian lawyers were met when signing the contract for gestation with the surrogate mother. It is in this that the Feskov Human Reproduction Group provides a turnkey solution for obtaining a visa, observing both the medical and legal aspects of the issue.
  3. The stage of pregnancy. Prof. Feskov clinic takes care of all the worries. Future parents can safely go about their business, and the clinic specialists make sure that the pregnancy proceeds physiologically, every detail is important. At this stage, the child-bearing is monitored in Ukraine or Canada. All expenses for transportation, accommodation, meals, etc. are included. This also includes insurance and surrogate mother compensation, who has a Ukrainian passport and a Canadian visa. This provides full legal security of the process. In case of force majeure (termination of pregnancy at any time), a new program is carried out from scratch to a winning result.
  4. Stage of delivery. After the surrogate mother's arrival in Canada, the process of conducting pregnancy and delivery in Canada, the examination and supervision of the newborn baby, continue while the parents are awaiting the receipt of the Canadian Passport.
  5. The stage of drawing up documents. Thanks to the competent and systematic work of our lawyers, we have a productive cooperation with state authorities, according to the current legislation of Canada. The legal procedure of legalizing a baby and obtaining the necessary documents has been fully developed. Therefore, legal support is included in the guaranteed program stage.

Legal drawing up documents for a child in Canada

Reproductive law in Canada is a fairly complex area of jurisprudence that governs assisted reproductive technology of humans. There are many gaps in the reproductive legislation, so a consultation with an experienced lawyer is simply necessary so as not to bring the matter to lengthy and costly judicial proceedings.

The ART, in particular surrogacy and oocyte / sperm donation, is legalized in the country and regulated by the Canadian Assisted Human Reproduction Act. According to it, the gestational carrier and donor of the genetic material are not the parents of the child. But, in any case, all parties to the process, biological parents and the surrogate mother, have to sign a special agreement regulating their mutual rights and obligations, namely the Surrogacy Agreement. This must be done before embryo transfer. Clinics also require all participants to sign a medical authorization, according to section 8 of the Assisted Human Reproduction Act, to conduct reproductive procedures, including the creation of an embryo.

Oocyte donation may be open or anonymous. But there is an amendment to the law that, in any case, a child who is 18 years old is required to find out the truth about his biological parents and the circumstances of his birth. But our clients do not worry about such things, because the contract with the Feskov Human Reproduction Group is concluded in Ukraine, on the condition of complete anonymity of all stages of the process. And in our country, the confidentiality of the use of surrogate motherhood and donation is legislatively fixed.

Canadian law rules preclude the use of a surrogate mother or egg / sperm donor services for a fee. Genetic parents have the right only to compensate the surrogate mother for the actual expenses incurred by her as a result of bearing the child. This is called altruistic surrogacy, when a surrogate mother does not receive a separate reward. Compliance with the above standards is strictly monitored by the relevant Canadian authorities, as a result, serious fines await offenders. However, our clients can be calm, they will not have any legal and bureaucratic issues with the law enforcement agencies of Canada. Since compensation for a surrogate mother is carried out through the company, as the organizer, according to all requirements of the law. At the moment, the government is at the stage of considering amendments to the law on reimbursement of additional expenses to a surrogate mother or donor.

The most loyal legislation relating to surrogacy is the legislation of Canadian provinces such as Ontario and British Columbia. According to Ontario parentage legislation and Children's Law Reform Act, R.S.O. 1990, a newborn can be registered for a maximum of four people, provided that there is a surrogate agreement between the parties. And also the surrogate mother renounced her rights to the child no earlier than 7 days after delivery. In other cases, a court order is required to establish a relationship with the alleged parents.

For the convenience of our French-speaking clients, we organize a delivery in Montreal. We respect your comfort, therefore, during such an important and exciting event as the birth of a baby, French language will sound around you!

But, under any circumstances, our clients feel confident and calm during the whole program. Since experienced lawyers of the clinic arrange everything in the most suitable way, according to each specific case. However, Canada has fairly clear and tough laws, they still have pitfalls. They can cause unintentional violation of the law and certain tasks in achieving the desired result. Plus, the reproductive technology method is not 100% successful, and when the pregnancy is finally achieved, this can lead to additional high costs.

Using our international program, clients receive the service according to the “all without worries” pattern, since unpleasant bureaucratic moments are solved remotely in Ukraine, and in Canada, future parents simply use the necessary laws, according to the necessary goals. Our independent Ukrainian lawyers know how best to use Canadian law. They work successfully in the Ukrainian legal field, and when necessary - in the Canadian one. That is why we achieve the best results in the end. After all, when the baby is born, you will have to work with the same documents. And where the embryo is created - in Canada or in Ukraine - by and large, does not matter to the future parents and the Canadian state. The result is the same, but without overpayments and for a fixed amount without worries of clients.

Benefits of delivery in Canada

The most significant advantage of delivery in this state is the automatic acquisition of citizenship by a newborn jus soli - by right of soil. In addition, citizens of the country have the following bonuses:

  • no double taxation;
  • citizens are protected by the government, wherever they are;
  • free medical care;
  • free schooling;
  • affordable higher education, credit for admission to the University;
  • social security;
  • the opportunity to live, study and work both in Canada and in the USA;
  • citizens can visit many countries without a visa.

And of course, the high level of medical service and the qualifications of doctors, the use of modern technologies and innovative equipment make Canada one of the best countries for pregnant women and newborns.

And the Feskov Human Reproduction Group team provides a surrogate mother and prospective parents with:

  • the birth process in the best hospitals;
  • providing the services of a gynecologist, obstetrician, pediatrician;
  • legal support at all stages (visa, registration of citizenship and passport for the baby, consultations, etc.);
  • comfortable housing with meals (only in Ukraine during the IVF program);
  • meeting at the airport, transfer;
  • translation services;
  • solving related requests for a comfortable stay.

In the UN ranking, Canada occupies a leading position as the best country for life in terms of living standards, ecology, and medical services. In turn, Feskov Human Reproduction Group guarantees comfort, support, solution of all issues on the way to the birth of a healthy baby! All additional details about the VIP program of surrogate motherhood (+ oocyte donation) with delivery in Canada can be found on the clinic website from the online chat manager.


surrogacy surrogate mother Canada VIP surrogacy


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