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VIP Guarantee Birth-in-Great Britain

Guaranteed birth of child in Great Britain. Legal obtaining of Great Britain birth certificate 120 000€
  • 10

    Legal support

  • 1

    Birth of healthy child

  • 9

    Cover of all risks

  • 12

    Stress-free process

  • 11

    An ideal and productive solution for UK citizens

Analytical step
  • Male partner examination before IVF
  • Andrological examination: FISH, DNA-fragmentation, HBA-test
  • Cryopreservation of semen + storage up to baby birth
  • Egg donor (s) selection and preparation
  • Staying in VIP room of clinic / hotel VIP level, meals
Selection of a healthy embryo + embryo transfer
  • Unlimited number of IVF programs with egg donor up to pregnancy obtaining
  • IVF+ICSI program + embryos cryopreservation
  • PICSI,IMSI (special methods for spermatozoa selection)
  • Preimplantation genetic diagnostics full genome screening by NGS
  • Surrogate mother(s) matching, providing for preparation for embryo transfer
  • Unlimited quantity of embryo transfers only healthy embryos
Medical monitoring of pregnancy + delivery in United Kingdom of Great Britain
  • Pregnancy management, transfer and living expenses for surrogate mother
  • Pregnancy care in Ukraine until 6th month
  • Insurance for surrogate mother (on 12th weeks of pregnancy)
  • Pregnancy care after 6th month and delivery in UK
  • Full compensation for surrogate mother participation, including compensation during the pregnancy
  • Providing new IVF+PGD (NGS) program with surrogate mother services and egg donation in case of pregnancy termination in all terms
Documents registration
  • Legal assistance in the issue of registration of documents for newborn child up to obtain parental order #1
Total amount:
120 000€
Request more information on the services provided by Feskov Human Reproduction Group.

We will put you in direct contact with the manager of the service you selected. You will be contacted as soon as possible.

  • 01

    Final decision for acceptance of man to program is making by IVF doctor of CHR «Clinic of prof. Feskov»

  • 02

    Medical examinations must be perform in CHR «Clinic of prof. Feskov» only

  • 03

    Payments according to individual schedule. No additional payments.
    *There are limitations for coverage of complications in case of preterm baby birth, baby death. Last payment can be changed according to the kind of complication occurred. Current conditions are linked with features of UK Healthcare system

  • 04

    According to conditions of package, CHR «Clinic of prof. Feskov» provides Service of guarantee live birth of healthy child ; in cases of Miscarriage independently on term of pregnancy / child death before delivery / whole program will be done until Customer will have a baby.
    Management of multiple pregnancy (twins) is covered by the contract conditions, obtained after transfer of one embryo

  • 01

    No later than 14 banking days from the moment of signing the present Contract

    30 000 €
  • 02

    Within 7 banking days before the start of IVF program

    30 000 €
  • 03

    On 12th week of gestation (embryo term)

    30 000 €
  • 06

    On 32th week of gestation (embryo term)

    30 000 €
Total amount:
120 000€

International surrogacy program with childbirth in the Great Britain

Great Britain is rightfully considered a highly developed country with a rich history and strict, conservative traditions. The health care system in the country is at a decent level. However, due to bureaucratic and imperfect legislation in this area, both British citizens and foreigners often face certain medical costs during pregnancy and childbirth. And this is despite the existence of a mandatory health insurance system. According to which, citizens and people living in the country can use free medical care in NHS (National Health Service) clinics.

Therefore, married couples with reproductive problems who would like to use the services of a surrogate mother in the Great Britain and know her price understand that it is not so simple. Although, apparently, surrogacy is not illegal in the Great Britain.

How is surrogacy regulated in the Great Britain?

The Surrogacy Act was adopted in 1985. According to him, in the Great Britain, an altruistic type of service is legalized only for citizens of the United Kingdom. This implies that it is a crime to pay a surrogate mother's fee in the Great Britain for a job that should not be announced. But, it is permissible to compensate for the "reasonable expenses" incurred by her.

However, the “reasonableness” or “non-reasonableness” of costs is determined by the state. In case that the court decides that the future parents paid an excessive amount of reimbursement, the surrogate mother in the Great Britain is obliged to return the sought-after part of the money from the entire price. Otherwise, the court will not give permission to receive the Parental Rights Order.

Any intermediary activity, advertising, search for a surrogate mother in the Great Britain, information about the price are prohibited by law.

But, the main provision of the Law, causing well-founded fears among future parents, is the statement that a surrogate mother in the Great Britain [price] is considered the legal mother of the child. According to the principle of Roman law, mater semper certa est - the mother is always reliably known. Even in the absence of a genetic link with the child. Accordingly, the husband or partner of the surrogate mother is considered the father. At the same time, all contracts and agreements concluded with it have no legal force and are not subject to mandatory execution. Therefore, she has every right to keep the newborn for herself, and the parents will be left without money and without a child.

According to the laws of the Kingdom, future parents are obliged to provide financial support to a surrogate mother in the Great Britain from the very beginning of the program, even at the stage of embryo transfer, even before pregnancy is determined. When in other countries loyal to surrogacy, payments begin only after a clinically confirmed pregnancy (Ukraine, Belgium, USA, Czech Republic, Canada). And this is logical, since no one can say how many embryo transfers will be required to be successful.

Also, the disadvantage of surrogacy in the Great Britain can be considered as a prohibition of the anonymity of donation. A child who has reached the age of majority (18 years old) has the right to full information about the circumstances of his birth. This leads to a long waiting period for donor genetic material (eggs, sperm). Due to the fact that some candidates are not suitable for the conditions of transparency of personal information.

To become legal parents of a child born under a surrogacy program in the Great Britain, you must apply for a Parental Rights Ordinance or adoption. Which entails additional costs, wasted time and anxiety, without a guarantee of results.

But what about the British spouses who want to have a child in the homeland, with the obtaining of all the rights due to him and automatic citizenship?

Opportunity to become legal parents in the Great Britain with guarantees at Ukrainian prices

Taking into account the imperfection of the British health care system, Ukrainian medical and English legal possibilities, Feskov Human Reproduction Group is creating a project that combines the advantages of both countries - an exclusive surrogacy program in Great Britain "Childbirth in Great Britain". She guarantees the birth of a healthy child in the Great Britain from a Ukrainian surrogate mother, with an easy and quick legalization procedure and, most importantly, with obtaining the citizenship of the country!

Part of this international program takes place in Ukraine, where the legislation is friendly to surrogate motherhood, and according to which the rights of genetic parents and surrogate mothers are strictly defined. The law protects parents and a born child as much as possible, regardless of which country they are citizens of.

After the conclusion of a legal contract on surrogacy in the Great Britain with the international company FHRG, a surrogacy program in the Great Britain "Childbirth in the Great Britain" starts.

The contract contains points:

  • on cooperation with a surrogate mother in the Great Britain, the price of the service;
  • a separate contract on the implementation of the program in Ukraine;
  • childbirth of the surrogate mother in the Great Britain.

These documents regulate the rights and obligations of the parties and guarantee the fulfillment of their obligations. For example, as part of the surrogacy program in the Great Britain, we guarantee the birth of a healthy baby:

  • genetic screening of an embryo by PGD / NGS methods determines chromosomal pathologies;
  • transfer of only genetically healthy embryos;
  • restart of the program until the result, in case of termination of pregnancy, death of the child and other force majeure.

It is worth noting that citizens of the country who pay insurance contributions receive a unique number (NHS Number), on the basis of which they can apply for free medical care. At the same time, service in private and public clinics differs only in the presence of a very significant cost. As evidenced by the statistics, the British women themselves calmly give birth in free public clinics, and only 5% of them prefer to pay money in private institutions. In any case, foreign women in labor are required to give birth on an equal basis with all other patients, according to the decrees of the Ministry of Health. However, sometimes the clinic may later issue an invoice for its services.

A significant advantage of the international surrogacy program in the Great Britain is that, even without leaving the United Kingdom, you can become full-fledged parents, thanks to the remote stages of the package! To do this, you will need to transport the sperm of a man from a married couple to Ukraine (in the case of a donor, it is even easier). And then there is work with female eggs.

Also, for our patients, we are implementing an unprecedented service for the selection of a surrogate mother and a donor, according to the conclusions from personal communication! You could to communicate live or via the Internet with selected candidates and make the most correct decision. At the same time, the price of a surrogate mother in the Great Britain is already included in the total cost of the package, as well as an unlimited set of donor eggs, IVF, pregnancy monitoring, legal, transportation, guest and related services.

How to start surrogacy process UK? Stages of the package surrogacy program "Childbirth in the Great Britain"

The implementation of the surrogacy program in the Great Britain with childbirth in the Great Britain is as follows:

  1. Diagnostics of the health status of a married couple.
  2. Making a decision on the use of own or donor genetic material for creating embryos.
  3. Individual selection of a surrogate mother in the Great Britain and, if necessary, donor.
  4. Guaranteed IVF + genetic screening of an embryo PGD / NGS.
  5. Observation in Ukraine of pregnancy of a surrogate mother in the Great Britain up to 6 months.
  6. Transfer of a surrogate mother in the Great Britain to the United Kingdom.
  7. Childbirth of a surrogate mother in the Great Britain in a private clinic of our partners.
  8. Registration of the documents for the baby - obtaining the Parental order. In this case, it is important that the genetic father is a British citizen.
  9. Simplified adoption of a child by a genetic mother with the assistance of the legal team of our Center.

If you seek how to start surrogacy process UK, we provide support for a surrogate mother in the Great Britain, monitoring her pregnancy after 6 months and transfer of the woman to the maternity hospital.

The whole range of guaranteed services included in the surrogacy program in the Great Britain "Childbirth in the Great Britain" - medicine, lawyers, accommodation, meals, transfer, as well as childbirth in the United Kingdom - is 90,000 €. This unique offering is the best option for the Great Britain citizens, both legally and medically.

Firstly, you save money with a program partially taking place in Ukraine, which is IVF, reproductive manipulation, genetic screening, etc. In addition a Ukrainian surrogate mother.

Secondly, you are completely protected from the imperfect legislation regarding surrogacy in the Great Britain. A surrogate mother in the Great Britain will not be able to keep the child in the legal field of Ukraine.

Thirdly, your child is guaranteed to be born healthy in the Great Britain and automatically receives citizenship (provided that the genetic father is a citizen or resides in the country).

Feskov Human Reproduction Group protects you at all stages of the international surrogacy program in the Great Britain "Childbirth in the Great Britain" and guarantees that along the way you will get only pleasant emotions!

This information is presented for informational purposes and shows the possibilities of using this or that reproductive technology in the territory of Ukraine or another country where our clinic can be represented.

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