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Pregnancy After Miscarriage: Getting Pregnant

  1. What causes miscarriage?
  2. What are the odds of another miscarriage?
  3. When is the best time for pregnancy after miscarriage?
  4. Are special tests recommended before attempting pregnancy after miscarriage?
  5. What can be done to improve the chances of a healthy pregnancy?
  6. What emotions are likely during later pregnancies?

Why did the pregnancy end? Is it possible to have a successful pregnancy after a miscarriage? What are the chances of pregnancy after a miscarriage? Will the services of a surrogate mother be required in case of recurrent miscarriage? We will consider the most important issues in as much detail as possible.

What causes miscarriage?

What are the odds of another miscarriage?

For most women, gestation interruption occurs once, and after a miscarriage, a successful pregnancy occurs in the future. However, some are faced with recurrent miscarriage, the statistics on it are as follows:

  • the risk of losing your first pregnancy after a miscarriage is 18-20%;
  • the risk of pregnancy loss after two miscarriages is 25-30%;
  • pregnancy after three or more miscarriages will be interrupted with a probability of 30 to 40%.

Even in the case of multiple interruptions, the chances of pregnancy after a miscarriage and its successful course remain. Various symptoms of a second pregnancy after a miscarriage do not indicate an increased likelihood of a favorable outcome; you should not rely on this parameter.

When is the best time for pregnancy after miscarriage?

Are special tests recommended before attempting pregnancy after miscarriage?

If gestation is interrupted two or more times, a woman is not recommended to plan a pregnancy immediately after a miscarriage without performing the following tests:

  • blood test: will allow you to make a conclusion about your hormonal status and identify possible endocrine disorders;
  • chromosomal tests: will allow, by analyzing the blood of a woman and her partner, to determine whether hereditary chromosomal pathologies transmitted to the fetus from the parents are the causes of gestation interruptions.
  • if the tissue remaining after the miscarriage is preserved, it also needs to be examined.
  • ultrasound and MRI to detect diseases and abnormalities of the uterus.

If the reason has not been established, do not despair. Most women with more than one history of miscarriage go on to have healthy pregnancies (sometimes immediately after the miscarriage). Even if examinations reveal a pathology that makes it impossible to carry a pregnancy, a woman will still be able to enjoy parenthood with the help of a surrogate mother. In the case when a woman does not have a partner, and terminated pregnancies were achieved with the help of IVF, a surrogacy program for single people can help become a mother.

What can be done to improve the chances of a healthy pregnancy?

In most cases, a woman cannot prevent miscarriage through a healthy lifestyle. However, it is easier to endure various symptoms of a second pregnancy after a miscarriage when the body is not weakened by bad habits, as well as excess weight. The only thing that will truly increase your chances of achieving a healthy pregnancy is a medical examination in the event of a second miscarriage.

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What emotions are likely during later pregnancies?

The successful completion of pregnancy immediately after a miscarriage with the birth of a healthy child is likely to cause joy and make the woman very happy. However, it may also be accompanied by depression and the experience of losing unborn children. To overcome this condition, do not hesitate to share your experiences with your partner and loved ones. Seeing a psychologist can also help you overcome negative memories and focus on your newfound happiness.


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