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VIP Guarantee Birth in Greece

Guaranteed birth of child in Greece. Legal obtaining of European birth certificate with specification of names of biological parents. 80 000€
  • 10

    Legal support

  • 1

    Birth of healthy child

  • 9

    Cover of all risks

  • 11

    Ideal legal solution for EU citizens

YouTube Video project

Watch the video to learn more about the technology used in this package. watch the full video

Analytical step
  • Examination of male partner / couple before IVF
  • Andrological examination, sperm tests: FISH, DNA-fragmentation, HBA-test, hormone tests, biochemical examination)
  • Cryopreservation of semen up to baby birth
  • Accommodation and meal supplement during staying in Ukraine
  • Legal support in Greece and Ukrainian Courts (preparation of documents before IVF in order to obtain Greece birth Certificate); up to creating full set of paperwork sufficient for Greece authorities
Selection of a healthy embryo + embryo transfer
  • Unlimited quantity of IVF attempts with donor’s eggs.
  • IVF+ICSI program + embryos biopsy & cryopreservation
  • PICSI,IMSI (special methods for spermatozoa selection)
  • Preimplantation genetic diagnostics full genome screening by hr-NGS
  • Surrogate mother with Greek court judgment providing, before embryo transfer
  • Unlimited quantity of embryo transfers only healthy embryos
Medical monitoring of pregnancy + delivery in Greece
  • Pregnancy management, transfer and living expenses for surrogate mother
  • Pregnancy care in Ukraine and baby birth in Greece
  • Support for surrogate mother in Greece (travel, social, medical care, legal aspects)
  • Full compensation for surrogate mother services, including payments during the pregnancy
  • New IVF treatment with stable conditions in case of pregnancy termination in all terms of pregnancy; remaking program donation in case of pregnancy termination in all terms
Documents registration in Greece
  • Legal support (registration of the birth certificate for newborn child with indication of intended parents as legal mother and legal father).
  • Legal support in greek court
  • Guest services, baby-care services, translation, transportation
Total amount:
80 000€
Request more information on the services provided by Feskov Human Reproduction Group.

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  • 01

    Final decision for acceptance of man to program is making by IVF doctor of CHR «Clinic of prof. Feskov»; male partners with “enough for IVF” sperm quality accepted. Quantity of attempts with own oocytes determined by age conditions

  • 02

    Medical examinations must be perform in CHR «Clinic of prof. Feskov» only

  • 03

    Payments according to individual schedule. No additional payments

  • 04

    Genetic parents are indicated in Greece birth certificate as legal parents of baby

  • 05

    According to conditions of package, CHR «Clinic of prof. Feskov» provides service of guarantee livebirth of healthy child; in cases of miscarriage independently on term of pregnancy / child death before delivery / child death during delivery, all program will be done until couple will have baby.
    Management of multiple pregnancy (twins, obtained after transfer of 1 embryo) is covered by the contract conditions. .

  • 01

    No later than 14 banking days from the moment of signing the present Contract

    80 000 €
  • 02

    Within 7 banking days before the start of IVF program

    15 000 €
  • 04

    During period between 12th and 13th weeks of gestation (embryo term)

    15 000 €
  • 03

    Within 28 banking days before the embryo transfer

    15 000 €
  • 05

    On 32th week of pregnancy (embryo term)

    15 000 €
Total amount:
80 000€

Surrogate mother in Greece: price and specificities of cooperation

Married couples who have problems with childbirth and who have decided to become parents with the help of assisted reproductive technologies often turn their attention to Greece. The interest is quite understandable: ART in the country is allowed and clearly regulated by law, the prices for medical services are more than moderate, while their level is not inferior to world leaders, the fee for a surrogate mother in Greece is not supposed, the service can only be provided on an altruistic basis. The mild climate and picturesque landscapes of this country complete the picture. However, future parents should be aware of the important nuances, without which the journey for the long-awaited child can turn out to be an exhausting and unjustified step.

The first difficulty lies in finding a surrogate mother and concluding a cooperation agreement. In Greece, it is forbidden to involve relatives and friends of the family in the role of surrogate mother, and advertising of surrogate mothers services is also prohibited. Therefore, the search for a suitable candidate and mediation services will most likely be carried out by the doctors of the selected reproductive center. That is, future parents will not be given much choice. In addition, a biological mother and a woman who is ready to carry a child must pass a complex of examinations, sign an agreement on consent to carry a child on a non-commercial basis (however, the surrogate mother has the right to compensation for costs incurred in an amount not exceeding 10 thousand euros) to submit all documents to the court. Permission for surrogate mother services is approved by the court. In some cases, only the consideration of the case can take up to 8 months. However, this significant disadvantage is compensated by the protection of the parental rights of biological parents.

The next difficulty is related to the lack of guaranteed programs. This means that in case of unsuccessful IVF or an aborted pregnancy, the entire cycle of medical procedures will have to be paid again, as well as undergo a second procedure in court. If the first cycle of the reproductive program does not end with the birth of a child, future parents risk losing a lot of time and money. If everything goes well, they could very quickly return with the child to their home country, because the paperwork in Greece doesn't take much time. Therefore, it is up to each couple to take a chance or look for alternatives.

Surrogacy in Greece: special offer

There is a possibility of having a healthy child in Greece, avoiding lengthy litigation and insuring yourself against failures at the stage of medical programs. Feskov Human Reproduction Group offers future parents a guaranteed "Childbirth in Greece" program. The guaranteed result of the program is the birth of a healthy child without chromosomal abnormalities. At the same time, you pay a fixed price once, choose a surrogate mother from our huge database, if necessary, also an egg donor and wait for your baby birth without worrying about anything. The medical part is carried out in Ukraine, and your child will be born from a surrogate mother in Greece, in the clinic of our partners. If IVF does not lead to pregnancy or the pregnancy is interrupted, the clinic will repeat the cycle at its own expense as many times as needed to give birth to your baby. No re-payments will be required from future parents. You will not need to worry about reimbursing the surrogate mother's expenses - the amount is included in the cost of the program. It also includes guest services (accommodation in a comfortable hotel with 3 meals a day during the IVF period in Ukraine) and legal support (from paperwork for a child to assistance in obtaining citizenship of your country).

Learn more about the program from our managers on the website - we will be happy to answer your questions.

This information is presented for informational purposes and shows the possibilities of using this or that reproductive technology in the territory of Ukraine or another country where our clinic can be represented.

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