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BALANCE Guarantee Birth in Austria

Guaranteed IVF + PGD-NGS program in Ukraine, delivery of a surrogate mother in Austria 70 000€
  • 1

    The birth of a healthy baby

  • 10

    Legal support

  • 11

    Recommended for German-speaking couples

  • 9

    Simplified legalization for Austrian citizen

  • 12

    Simplified legalization of a child for Austrian citizens

YouTube Video project

Watch the video to learn more about the technology used in this package. watch the full video

Analytical step
  • Examination of man before IVF
  • Sperm quality assessment
  • Cryopreservation of semen
  • Egg donor providing by clinic, informational support about provided candidate(s)
  • Staying in comfort-level, 3 times food supplement
  • Legal documents preparation
Selection of a healthy embryo + embryo transfer
  • Unlimited number of IVF attempts with egg donor
  • IVF+ICSI program + embryos cryopreservation
  • PICSI,IMSI (special methods for spermatozoa selection)
  • Preimplantation genetic diagnostics full genome screening by NGS
  • Surrogate mother providing
  • Unlimited quantity of embryo transfers only healthy embryos
Medical monitoring of pregnancy + delivery in Austria
  • Pregnancy management of surrogate mother (standard medical care)
    Pregnancy care in Ukraine until 8th month
  • Insurance for surrogate mother (on 12th weeks of pregnancy)
  • Pregnancy care after 8th month and delivery in Austria
  • Full compensation for surrogate mother services, including payments  during the pregnancy (after baby birth)
  • Providing new IVF+PGD (NGS) program with surrogate mother services and egg donation in case of pregnancy termination in all terms
Documents registration
  • Legal support (registration a birth certificate for newborn child)
  • Guest services, translation, transportation
Total amount:
70 000€
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  • 01

    Final decision for acceptance of man to program is made by IVF doctor of CHR «Clinic of prof. Feskov»; male Customers with high-quality of sperm only.

  • 02

    Medical examinations must be performed in CHR «Clinic of prof. Feskov» only

  • 03

    Payments according to individual schedule. No additional payments.

  • 04

    Balance Guarantee offered for married couples only

  • 05

    According to conditions of package, CHR «Clinic of prof. Feskov» provides service of guarantee live birth of healthy child; in cases of miscarriage independently on term of pregnancy / child death before delivery / child death during delivery, whole program will be done until Customer will have baby.
    Management of multiple pregnancy (twins, obtained after transfer of 1 embryo) is covered by the contract conditions.

  • 06

    Conversion to higher-class program is paid additionally +50% to difference of price.

  • 01

    No later than 7 banking days from the moment of signing the present Contract

    9 000€
  • 02

    Within 7 banking days before the start of IVF program

    25 000€
  • 03

    During period between 12th and 13th weeks of gestation (embryo term)

    21 000€
  • 04

    On 32th week of pregnancy (embryo term).

    15 000€
Total amount:
70 000€

Childbirth Austria

Are you planning to use the services of a surrogate mother, but would like the birth to take place in a Central European country, or better in a German-speaking country? Especially for you in Center for Human Reproduction of Professor Feskov A.M. the international package of surrogacy Austria "Childbirth Austria" has been developed. The international program allows you to combine the advantages and options of the laws of two different countries to achieve your goal.

Surrogacy Austria - legality

The very first question that interests our clients, what about legality? Is surrogacy allowed by law in Austria? How to combine two incompatible legislations, and at the same time carry out the program strictly in the legal field of Ukraine and Austria?

According to Austrian law, a child’s mother is the woman who gave birth; regardless of the country and jurisdiction where fertilization was performed. Thus, for couples from German-speaking countries (DACH), and especially for Austrian citizens, the best option is to go through all the medical stages of the Surrogacy program in Ukraine and give birth to a baby in the state chosen chosen by them.

According to the offered package of services, a legal contract is concluded for the birth of a child with the help of a surrogate mother in Austria, as well as a separate contract for clinic services in order to carry out a guaranteed program. These official documents protect your rights and legally regulate the obligations of the clinic and the surrogate mother. The main thing is that the child is born in Austria, only after that, the child's documents will be officially confirmed in accordance with the current family and civil code.

Ukraine is one of the few countries in which the law automatically defines genetic parents as legal parents of the child. The competent authorities are obliged to register them as such, in accordance with Article 123, paragraph 2 of the Family Code of Ukraine. To leave Ukraine, foreign citizens need to contact the consulate and then wait for a passport or travel document (Erepass Reisepass)

Heterosexual couples are provided with multi-stage protection of their rights when conducting a surrogacy program Austria, which includes:

  • automatic recognition of paternity before the birth of the child;
  • obligatory signing an agreement between the future parents and the surrogate mother;
  • determination and observance of a set of medical, psychological and legal requirements for the candidacy of a surrogate mother Austria price;
  • automatic entry in the Austrian civil register after birth.

Legalization of a child in Austria / Germany / Switzerland. The child will be registered in accordance with the Austrian Family and Civil Code. The responsible body of the Civil Registry Office (Bezirkshauptmannschaft or Rathaus) will be informed of the birth of the newborn within one week. A medical certificate of birth from the clinic where the child was born is automatically sent to the registry office.

State Austrian birth certificate (Geburtsurkunde) contains:

  • the child's name;
  • the names of the genetic father and mother who gave birth to the child;
  • the sex of the child;
  • the time of birth;
  • the place of birth of the child.

To be registered as a genetic mother, you will have to resort to adopting a stepson - Stiefkind Adoption. The procedure is the adoption of a child by the partner of a genetic parent (by analogy with the adoption of an adopted son by a stepfather; the fundamental difference from "adoption" is the genetic relationship between the father and the child). Our lawyer will collect all the documents to register a legitimate woman as the mother of the newborn child, in cooperation with our international partners or your lawyers provided by you.

Stages of the legalization process

The experienced legal team of our Reproduction Center competently solves legalization issues:

  • Execution of a contract to carry out the Guaranteed IVF Program in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.
  • Legally competent preparation of documents for the departure of the surrogate mother Austria price, in accordance with all the nuances and requirements of Austrian legislation.
  • In an Austrian clinic, the surrogate mother undergoes all procedures in accordance with the norms of the Ministry of Health and obstetric care for foreigners during delivery, in accordance with the norms of the Austrian Civil Code.
  • After giving birth, the surrogate mother, as a woman who gave birth to the child, receives a medical certificate (a usual certificate from the clinic, not a state-issued birth certificate) of the child, which states that she gave birth to this baby. The surrogate mother, according to the terms of the contract, signs the necessary documents enabling the genetic father to take responsibility for the baby on himself, dispose of his rights, participate in his life, travel and draw up all the documents (without the presence of the “woman who gave birth”).
  • The genetic father continues to legalize the child in his country, in accordance with the Austrian law (or the laws of his country of citizenship), with the participation of our legal team. And we, in turn, provide cooperation with the surrogate mother. If the future parents are Austrian citizens, they go through the Stiefkind Adoption procedure - a simplified adoption of a child.

What is included in the program?

The guaranteed surrogacy program Austria allows you to receive a full range of reproductive services. As part of this package, you can use the services of a surrogate mother from Ukraine, and your child will be born in Austria.

The reproductive program "Childbirth Austria" includes:

  • examination of a married couple before the IVF program with an assessment of the quality of the man's sperm, cryopreservation of genetic material;
  • provision and appropriate preparation of an egg donor, full information about the candidate;
  • provision and preparation of a surrogate mother (including paperwork for stay and childbirth in Austria);
  • unlimited number of IVF with donation (+ ICSI + embryo cryopreservation), with the participation of the best selected spermatozoa (PICSI, IMSI);
  • selection of a healthy embryo by pre-implantation genetic diagnostics using the NGS method;
  • determination or selection of the sex of the child;
  • transfer of a healthy embryo into the uterine cavity (the package price includes the ability to carry out the transfer procedure an unlimited number of times until pregnancy is achieved);
  • monitoring the pregnancy of the surrogate mother;
  • life insurance of the surrogate mother (at the 12th week of pregnancy);
  • delivery process in Austria;
  • full reimbursement of the surrogate mother's expenses, including payments during pregnancy and after the birth of the baby;
  • in case of termination of pregnancy at any gestational age, a repeated IVF program is carried out;
  • it is possible to use the program remotely (for this you will need to transport the sperm of the man from a married couple to Ukraine);
  • legal support and paperwork for your child as soon as possible;
  • guest and transport services, translation.

The entire program, including the service - surrogate mother Austria price, will cost from 70,000 € (100,000 € - Deluxe), depending on your wishes, vision of the situation, medical circumstances, the need to resolve legal issues. At the same time, all expensive and complex reproductive manipulations, including artificial insemination with embryo research, will be carried out in Ukraine. And the process of childbirth itself will take place in an Austrian clinic with its high standards of medicine and quality service.

Center for Human Reproduction of Professor Feskov A.M. guarantees the birth of your healthy child, and also provides an important advantage - the opportunity to take advantage of the legal registration of the child after delivery in Austria.

Due to the high popularity of the service, we recommend that you check the availability of packages with our managers in advance.

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