Price of private surrogacy

When a married couple decides to become participants in a reproductive program involving a surrogate mother, one of the main questions is what is the price of private surrogacy. Estimated rates range from 20 to 100 thousand dollars, depending on the country in which the country implements the program. At the same time, future parents assume all risks.
Most often, the surrogacy service price , payment of the current expenses of the surrogate mother, medical and legal services, medicines and other things are different bills. The second important issue is legislative restrictions. In the Czech Republic, for example, a surrogate mother is mentioned in the birth certificate as a mother. And only after an official refusal, adoption can be processed by biological parents. If the surrogate mother does not want to make a refusal, the couple will be left without a child. In some states of the United States, the birth with a surrogate mother may be prohibited if an agreement is concluded between her and parents in another country. Or one of the parents must be from the same state as the surrogate mother.
Perhaps the most important thing that future parents need to know is: no guarantee of success. IVF did not succeed on the first attempt, the surrogate mother had an abortion - all this would require a re-payment of the price of private surrogacy , whatever it was, because package programs are not provided. If the surrogate needs a cesarean section, price of private surrogacy will increase by several thousand dollars. And get ready to pay for the expensive services of lawyers.
Feskov Human Reproduction Group has developed the world's only package program, which includes the price of private surrogacy, the birth of a healthy baby and the preparation of necessary documents until newborns obtain citizenship of your country. No extra charges! You choose a package that includes the services you need, and we undertake to fulfill the guaranteed program. If IVF is unsuccessful or the pregnancy is terminated, a repeated cycle of procedures is performed without surcharges. Thus, you can become parents of a healthy child for less than 50 thousand euros.
Want to know surrogacy service price? The consultant on the website is waiting for your questions and will be happy to answer them.
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