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Surrogacy: criteria for finding a surrogate mother, legislation, compensation payments

  1. Portrait of a candidate: basic requirements for a surrogate mother
  2. To become a surrogate mother, you must meet at least the following criteria:
  3. Surrogacy readiness criteria

To make future parents as clear as possible how to choose a surrogate mother, we have listed all the necessary points in this article.

Portrait of a candidate: basic requirements for a surrogate mother

Surrogacy readiness criteria

Surrogacy legislation in different countries

Surrogate mother compensation payments

Portrait of a candidate: basic requirements for a surrogate mother

To become a surrogate mother, you must meet at least the following criteria:

  1. Age from 21 to 40 years old.
  2. Normal body mass index (BMI). The indicator is determined by the doctor, the frame of the norm is from 19 to 30.
  3. Pregnancy without complications and history of natural delivery.
  4. 6 months have passed since the date of the last delivery.
  5. Having at least one healthy child.
  6. No antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications have been taken in the past 12 months.
  7. Willingness to stop tattooing and piercing within 12 months.

If the candidate you are interested in is under the age of 21 and / or has never been pregnant, she probably will not be able to qualify for the role of surrogate mother. But in exceptional cases, after a thorough examination, the doctor may decide to accept her into the program.

These criteria are a minimum surface filter that allows doctors to immediately weed out those who are contraindicated in participating in a reproductive program. Then the check continues according to the three ASRM criteria.

Surrogacy readiness criteria

To establish the full compliance of the candidate with the responsible role of the surrogate mother, her qualifications are checked according to three criteria developed by the specialists of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM). The criteria are as follows:

  • Physical;
  • Psychological;
  • Medical.

The physical criterion is an indicator of the ability to endure reproductive procedures (hormonal stimulation, IVF, gestation and childbirth) with minimal risk to oneself and the child.

The physical criterion is evaluated according to the following parameters:

  • Analysis of basic personal information, pregnancy history, participation in surrogacy programs;
  • Legal due diligence by the clinic or agency: convictions, problems with the law, financial situation - to exclude dependence on the remuneration provided by the contract.

The psychological criterion is evaluated according to psychodiagnostic data: psychosocial research: a visit by a psychologist to the candidate's family, conversations with her and her spouse, based on the data obtained, an assessment of readiness for surrogate motherhood. The ability to analyze and control emotions, as well as the motives of joining the program are analyzed.

The medical criterion is based on the results of a medical opinion after consulting a fertility specialist, examination by a gynecologist, blood and urine tests, biochemical studies, tests for drugs and precursors, the presence of bad habits (carried out regularly after the surrogate mother has been entered to the database and until the very delivery),ultrasound and other examinations.

Women after abortion, with diseases of the reproductive organs, mental disorders, nulliparous, with autoimmune diseases are excluded from the number of candidates.

The combination of data on three factors will allow a consultation of specialists to decide on the suitability or unsuitability of a candidate for bearing other people's children.

Surrogacy legislation in different countries

With regard to surrogacy, countries are conditionally divided into three groups: surrogate motherhood is prohibited, not prohibited, there is no clear legal regulation, it is allowed and clearly regulated by law.

If you need a surrogate mother, you shouldn't look for her in Austria, Germany, China, Norway, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, France, Switzerland, Sweden, Japan, the American states of Arizona, Michigan and New Jersey. Surrogacy is prohibited in these locations.

In Belgium, Greece, Ireland, Spain, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, there is no clear legislative framework governing surrogacy. If the surrogate mother changes her mind and wants to keep the child for herself, the court will support her decision. Future parents will be left without their child and no money.

In Russia, it is possible to obtain parental rights for a newborn only in the case of a refusal signed by the surrogate mother. If this does not happen, the concluded contract will not help parents achieve their legal rights in court.

In a number of countries, such as the United Kingdom, Canada, the Netherlands, Portugal, Finland, the Australian state of Victoria, the US states of Virginia and New Hampshire, surrogacy is permitted only on a non-profit basis. Surrogate mothers are reimbursed only for expenses confirmed by cheques during pregnancy. The anonymity of the service is also prohibited: upon reaching the age of 18 years by the child, the parents are obliged to disclose to him all the information about the circumstances of his birth.

Clear and well-developed reproductive legislation has been developed and applied in Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kenya, USA and Ukraine. Surrogate mothers receive contractual compensation and do not have any rights to the child. The names of biological parents are indicated in the documents of newborns.

Surrogate mother compensation payments

In countries with non-commercial surrogacy, compensation is paid to the surrogate mother by the parents in accordance with the supporting documents. Where commercial surrogacy is allowed, payments can range from 10 to 100+ thousand dollars, depending on the terms of the contract. Given the lack of guaranteed programs, it may take several tries before you have a baby. You will have to pay for each new cycle anew. The total amount may exceed $ 100,000.

A surefire way to become parents of a healthy child, have parental rights to him and not pay for unsuccessful attempts, is to join a guaranteed program.

Feskov Human Reproduction Group invites parents-to-be to choose any package of services in accordance with their needs and budget. Each package guarantees the birth of a healthy child, paperwork for the newborn, accommodation and three meals a day for the duration of the program, transport services and a personal coordinator. You do not pay for unsuccessful IVF, termination of pregnancy or in the event of the death of the child during delivery - only a fixed amount for the birth of a healthy child without chromosomal abnormalities. In case of failure at any stage, repeated cycles are paid by Feskov Human Reproduction Group as many times as it takes to achieve the result - these risks are assumed by the clinic.

You do not need to organize the search for a surrogate mother yourself: the clinic has its own huge database of surrogate mothers and egg donors (including those with exotic phenotypes). Compensation payments to them are included in the cost of the program. There are also distance programs that allow you to become parents without visiting Ukraine. Partnership with reproductive clinics in 52 countries of the world allows organizing delivery of a surrogate mother in the country of choice for future parents.

Contact our manager, tell us about your wishes and ask questions - we will make an individual offer for you. The birth of a healthy child and the completeness of parental rights are a self-evident guarantee of the Feskov Human Reproduction Group.


surrogacy surrogate mother surrogate motherhood


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