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Surrogacy Requirements: Why certain requirements are in place

  1. Health requirements for a surrogate mother
  2. Surrogate qualifications
  3.  The basic requirements are as follows:

The Feskov Human Reproduction Group carefully checks its gestational carriers. Therefore, all risks during the passage of our guaranteed surrogacy programs are reduced to almost zero. And in case of force majeure, in accordance with the conditions, the program will continue until a successful result - the birth of a child.

Health requirements for a surrogate mother


When a woman decides to help people as a surrogate mother, she will have to go through some kind of tests for suitability for this role:

  • initial application with basic personal information, pregnancy history, surrogacy programs;
  • general check carried out by the clinic's or agency's lawyers about the presence or absence of criminal records, problems with the law, financial situation, in order to exclude dependence on surrogate remuneration;
  • psychosocial verification, which consists in visiting a professional psychologist of the candidate's family, talking with her and her spouse to assess the psychological state of readiness for this difficult challenge. It is important to be prepared for the future emotions of bearing and giving birth to a baby that is not yours. And come to the program for the right reasons;
  • medical diagnostics, which includes consultation with a fertility specialist to ensure that you are in good physical and reproductive shape for IVF, gestation and childbirth. And also, a general examination by a doctor, checking personal and sexual history, blood and urine tests, biochemical studies, ultrasound, etc. will be carried out.

Also, throughout the entire period, you need to refrain from drinking alcohol, smoking, not to mention drugs and psychotropic substances. Women after abortion, with diseases of the reproductive organs, mental disorders, nulliparous, with autoimmune diseases are not considered as candidates.

Surrogate qualifications


To make a woman as ready as possible, the Specialists of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) establish three categories of surrogate qualifications:

  1. Physical.
  2. Psychological.
  3. Medical.

Surrogate pregnancy carries with it certain risks, just like the most common one. The physical qualifications of a surrogate mother guarantees that she will be able to endure the entire process with minimal risk to herself and the future baby.

 The basic requirements are as follows:

  • age range from 21 to 40 years old;
  • have a normal body mass index (BMI within 19-30), determined by a doctor;
  • previous pregnancy and childbirth passed normally;
  • no complications during a previous pregnancy;
  • 6 months must have passed since the date of the last delivery;
  • be the mother of at least one healthy child;
  • avoiding antidepressants and other sedatives for 12 months;
  • refusal of tattoos and piercings for 12 months.

Therefore, if the candidate has not reached a certain age or has never been pregnant, she will not be able to apply for this role. However, there are individual exceptions that can always be discussed in the clinic.

Emotional readiness for the upcoming stress is very important in surrogacy. Therefore, psychological qualifications are in second place. It's worth considering that a gestational carrier is a full-time job. A surrogate mother will have to spend a lot of time and effort to help another family become parents.

In addition to everyday activities, hormonal changes and unstable emotional states await her. Even with a professional attitude and lack of attachment to the baby in her abdomen, she will experience conflicting feelings - and this is normal. Therefore, the support and help of a husband or partner, as well as other family members, is a must. And also, emotional stability and confidence at the beginning of the way will help to overcome future difficulties.

Without confirmation of medical qualifications, i.e. - evidence that a woman is absolutely healthy, it is impossible to become a surrogate mother. It is required to pass a comprehensive medical and psychological examination, to pass the necessary tests, screenings, tests for precursors, etc. This will confirm that a woman can be safely trusted to carry and give birth to someone else's child.

Some people wonder - why impose such strict requirements on surrogate mothers? The point is that being a surrogate mother is not for everyone. Only 50% of candidates are selected for this role. This process takes a lot of time, energy and dedication, so it is important that the candidate is 100% prepared. Rigorous selection also helps to minimize the risks that may arise in the process.

Intended parents who have chosen Feskov Human Reproduction Group as an assistant and friend on this way can be calm and confident in a safe and happy resolution of the issue. We guarantee you the most positive emotions from the process and the logical result - a happy family with a baby!


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