Ex-childfree people: why people who did not want children, change their beliefs
What to do if a woman really wants children, but because of health problems she cannot carry and give birth to them on her own? Modern medicine offers a way out of this situation - the use of a surrogate mother.
- Why do people become childfree?
- Ex-childfree people and childbirth
- Surrogate motherhood will help people with the diagnosis of "infertility" become parents
The term childfree appeared in the United States in opposition to the word "childless". It is used for those who consciously do not want to have children. Childfree supporters say they do not feel the need for parenting and do not want to give up the benefits of childlessness. The absence of children allows greater personal freedom, allows you to focus on your career, travel, take care of yourself and your development.
There is no exact statistics regarding the number of childfree people on the planet. The most complete information about this phenomenon is in the USA, where the childfree movement originated and is most active. In the United States today, up to 25% of women say that they do not want children and their number is constantly growing according to the US National Center for Health Statistics in recent years.
Celebrities like Jennifer Aniston, Cameron Diaz, Kim Catroll are among the famous childfree people.
Why do people become childfree?
This question is rather difficult to answer, because everyone has his own reasons for abandoning the idea of having children. According to childfree supporters, the reason for this is the fear that motherhood or fatherhood will lead them out of their comfort zone, their unfavorable financial situation, their unwillingness to give up a successful career.
Many women are also afraid of pregnancy and childbirth, believe that they will become less attractive and that having a baby will negatively affect their relationship with a man.
However, quite often all these arguments fade over the years, and at the age of 40+, childfree people understand that they want to become parents.
Ex-childfree people and childbirth
Stories about how convinced childfree people become parents are not uncommon. At the age of 40, most often a woman and a man have already taken place in a career plan, financial issues have stabilized, they already have their own housing, there have been enough trips, adventures and self-awareness. And the birth of a child for a couple who previously professed the principles of being childfree becomes a need.
As a rule, ex-childfree people are good moms and dads. They enjoy performing their new family roles, know how to find a common language with children, and often laugh at their former beliefs.
However, when couples over the age of 40 make a decision to have a baby, problems often arise on the way to the execution of their new plans - it turns out that they are no longer able to become pregnant and give birth to a baby.
The diagnosis of "infertility" after 40 years is quite common. As women age, the ovarian reserve of the ovaries decreases, which leads to problems with conception. On the male side, there is often a decrease in the number of sperm cells and their mobility in sperm. Other age problems also appear, with the result that fertility specialists pass a verdict of “infertility”.
More recently, only one way out of this situation would be adoption of a child. But not everyone is ready to decide on this.
However, modern reproductive medicine offers another opportunity. The use of donor eggs and a surrogate mother will help overcome any difficulties and make the birth of a child possible.
Surrogate motherhood will help people with the diagnosis of "infertility" become parents
Surrogate motherhood is a modern reproductive technology that will help you become parents, even if you have been diagnosed with infertility. The surrogate mother you choose in the clinic will bear and give birth to your baby. At the same time, you will be aware of everything that is happening, you will be able to follow the development of your baby and, if you wish, you will be able to attend childbirth.
In Feskov Human Reproduction Group there is an extensive base of surrogate mothers, from which you can choose a surrogate mother for your baby. The clinic conducts a very strict selection: women with good health and a healthy mind become surrogate mothers. They are ready to help you become parents and are psychologically prepared for their role. In Feskov Human Reproduction Group you will be offered full legal support. As soon as the child is born, it will be given to you and all legal documents will be completed, where you will be listed as parents.
If the eggs and sperm of your couple are used to produce the embryo, the child will be 100% genetically yours. But even if the genetic material of one of you turns out to be unusable, you can use donor eggs or donor spermatozoa, and then the child will still be 50% with your genes.
The fact that fertilization will occur in vitro will give you the opportunity to use additional service. Before placing the embryo in the uterine cavity, it can be checked for genetic diseases and you can even choose the sex of the baby.
Many married couples who are thinking about the use of surrogate motherhood are afraid that the surrogate mother may not become pregnant or that the pregnancy may fail. This is really possible. But Feskov Human Reproduction Group offers packages that guarantee a successful outcome. Paying such a package, you get a range of services, which includes repeated attempts for achieving pregnancy until getting the result.
All this means only one thing: if you were childfree, but changed your mind and really want children, you can fulfill your dream! If you are not afraid of change and resolutely deal with the difficulties that arise along the way, then the baby you dream of will surely appear in your family!
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