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Ethical Issues of Surrogate Motherhood: Detailed Overview

The period of waiting for a child is the most long-awaited and wonderful period in the life of most women. Unfortunately, not all of them can give birth to a baby on their own. In this case, surrogacy may be the best solution to make your cherished dream come true. 

Feb 26, 2021
How To Evaluate a Surrogacy Agency’s Success

Surrogacy is a grand and fun way to build a family. However, the cost of it can range from $ 60 to $ 180,000. With such a high price, finding the right agency with the right experience is critical. This will ensure that funds are spent wisely and a high success rate. 

Feb 15, 2021
Why I Chose «Surrogate Motherhood Center of professor Feskov»

Close cooperation with the surrogacy clinic is an important and necessary stage of the surrogate process, both for the intended parents and for the surrogate. Since all the participants in the action will be forced to constantly coordinate their actions with medical specialists responsible for the most important part of surrogacy.

Feb 11, 2021
The Importance of Choosing the Right Fertility Clinic

How to choose a good surrogacy clinic. The main signs of right reproductive medicine clinics.

Jan 28, 2021
TOP 5 surrogate clinics in Ukraine

Thanks to the rapid evolution of reproductive innovations and the assistance of the state, over the past two decades Ukraine has become a real “mecca” for people from all over the world who want to find parental happiness. This was facilitated by favorable legal conditions under which legislation fully observes the interests of genetic parents and legitimizes the services of surrogate mothers and donors.

Mar 09, 2020


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