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Four Most Common Treatments to Receive as a Fertility Clinic

  1. 🩺 IVF artificial insemination
  2. 🤰 Sex selection for IVF
  3. ⭐ Genetic Screening PGD

Fertility clinics provide many more services to their patients than most people would expect. After all, many people who go to these specialized establishments may have no problem conceiving. And those who do receive a variety of treatments, according to their personal history. Any serious reproduction center will always consider the needs of patients when developing and launching a treatment strategy. Therefore, he will need a wide range of options for effective treatment.

Specialists of Feskov Human Reproduction Group constantly keep their finger on the pulse of the emergence of new technological advances and innovative techniques in medicine and reproductive medicine to implement the most effective programs for the elimination of infertility, including IVF. Let's consider the most popular techniques in the field of reproduction.

IVF artificial insemination


Due to its effectiveness and availability, IVF is one of the most famous and demanded methods of fertility treatment. Almost every reproductive clinic in the world offers IVF treatment to women who cannot naturally become pregnant for various reasons. It is a common misconception that the technique is used to solve only female fertility problems. Whereas, in fact, it is used, and as a way to solve some male types of problems with fertility and conception.

The process includes:

  1. Prescribing specially selected hormonal drugs to stimulate the increased production of healthy eggs by the woman's ovaries (about 10 instead of 1-2 in the natural cycle). Since, in case of unsuccessful embryo implantation, the obtained oocytes can be used for subsequent IVF procedures.
  2. With the help of follicular puncture (minimally invasive surgery), mature oocytes are collected.
  3. The partner donates sperm to fertilize the resulting eggs.
  4. The process of conception - the fusion of male and female germ cells - IVF, takes place in an embryological laboratory by specially trained specialists.
  5. Cultivation (growth) of embryos for 3-5 days.
  6. Implantation of the healthiest embryo into a woman's uterus.

Of course, no medical procedure is complete without risks and the possibility of failure. However, the chances of success are high in most cases.

Sex selection for IVF


Sex selection is included as an additional option in the IVF procedure. Often, the reasons why people want to choose the sex of the future child are not related to reproductive problems. It can be a desire to balance the composition of the family in which there are children of only one gender. Or there may be individual cultural reasons.

Mandatory determination of the sex of the embryo is carried out for medical reasons, at the risk of the future child developing genetic diseases linked to the sex (hemophilia). In this case, the goal of the parents is to ensure good health of their baby.

To determine the sex, a standard IVF procedure takes place. After the cultivation of the embryo, on the 5th day, when it is in the blastocyst stage, a sample of cells is taken and the PGD method is checked for chromosomal pathologies, at the same time the sex is fixed. The embryo of the desired sex is implanted into the woman's uterus for further development.

Genetic Screening PGD


Chromosome screening PGD is the process of analyzing and reporting the chromosome structure of an embryo to check for the correct number of specified chromosomes. This is done to identify genetic abnormalities and disorders. This manipulation is part of the standard IVF procedure to ensure the birth of a healthy baby. But, in some cases, it is just required:

  • women over 35 to prevent the risk of Down syndrome;
  • patients with a history of missed pregnancies;
  • women with inherited diseases;
  • patients with repeated failed IVF attempts.

In the context of IVF treatment, the aim of chromosome screening is to ensure that only healthy embryos with the right amount of chromosomes are transferred to the uterus. After all, embryos with chromosomal abnormalities account for up to 60% of abortions. Therefore, from a medical point of view, it would be unethical to implant an embryo, with such a high probability of death in the womb, or being born disabled or seriously ill.

Fertility diagnostics


As a person gets older, it is recommended that regular general check-ups and fertility testing be done. Because, with age, the reproductive functions of both women and men change. People who already have concerns about reproductive problems also turn to specialized clinics. They want to be sure of their health or the presence of pathology.

Plus, these types of medical facilities can help women going through menopause control the symptoms of this process, which takes place for about 50 years. And to make life more calm and comfortable even in such difficult times for the female body.

In most clinics, fertility diagnostics are included in the offered IVF or surrogacy packages. However, fertility screening is also sometimes referred to by other hospitals and family doctors to better understand the problem their patient is facing.

Since, serious reproduction centers, like Feskov Human Reproduction Group, possess all the necessary advanced equipment and qualified personnel for performing delicate reproductive diagnostic procedures. In addition, our patients, within the framework of programs to combat infertility, receive additional services, which are aimed at maximum efficiency and effectiveness on the path of finding parental happiness. 


IVF In-Vitro Fertilization infertility fertility


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