Egg Donation Definition - Everything to Know about Egg Donation

Definition of egg donation - how egg donation is carried out? Who can participate in egg donation program? What are the benefits of the procedure? Indications & contraindications to egg donation.
- Egg Donation - Step-by-Step Procedure
- When Egg Donation Is Carried out
- Contraindications to Egg Donation
Twenty years ago, extracorporeal fertilization, especially egg donation definition, was treated as an extreme measure. It was believed that the procedure of egg donation was a gesture of despair that will hardly bring anything good. In the late 90s, fewer people knew what egg donation was and how the procedure was carried out. This is where all the myths came from.
Nowadays, the procedure of egg donation is officially recognized as one of the high-tech methods of infertility treatment. Depending on the cause of infertility and the general health conditions of the two in the couple, different treatment methods are applied. And egg donation is one of them. For some women, egg donation is a real opportunity to conceive and bear their biological children. According to the sperm and egg donation definition, the process implies the transfer and application of donor sex cells (male or female) for purposes of assisted reproduction.
Egg Donation - Step-by-Step Procedure
As the definition of egg donation suggests, the procedure involves a donor, whose biological material is used for the conception of a child. In order to make sure that the woman can be a donor of oocytes, she undergoes multiple medical examinations. If there is nothing hindering the one from transferring her biomaterial, the potential egg donor has a meeting with a psychologist to determine the psycho-emotional state and the moral of the female as well as the ethical and psychological aspects of the donation. The next stage is the formal one implying the donor leaving the necessary data and filling out the questionnaire for the recipient.
The female donation eggs definition suggests that donor sex cell is used for the fertilization, which means that the donor is to be prepared for the procedure. Egg donation occurs in several stages:
- During 8-12 days before the procedure, the donor is stimulated by ovarian drugs. This medication is crucial for synchronization of menstrual cycles of a cell donor and a mother;
- 36 hours after the last medication, the procedure of oocyte transfer is performed. The manipulation lasts no more than 20 minutes, with the patient being under general or local anesthesia;
- After the procedure of oocyte transfer, the woman stays in the medical institution for about 3 hours to bounce back from anesthesia. At this stage, the involvement of a donor in a procedure ends;
Being transferred from a donor, oocytes are immediately fertilized. A few days later, up to 3 embryos are injected into the cervix of the future mother with a thin catheter. The remaining biomaterial is frozen with liquid nitrogen for its potential future use.
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When Egg Donation Is Carried out
The practice of egg donation is recommended in the following cases:
- The absence of ovaries;
- The absence of oocytes because of the natural menopause;
- Uterine appendages removal;
- Attempts of in-vitro fertilization that did not end with pregnancy;
- Contraindications to ovary stimulation;
- Age of over 38 years;
- The presence of a gene with a mutation;
Contraindications to Egg Donation
Although being a highly effective method of treating infertility, egg donation has some contradictions and is not recommended for couples facing the following conditions:
- Somatic and mental diseases;
- Congenital malformations;
- Acquired deformities of the uterine cavity in which embryo implantation is not possible;
- Tumours of the ovaries;
- Hyperplastic processes of the endometrium;
- Benign tumours in the uterus that require surgical treatment;
- Acute inflammatory ailments of any localization;
- Malignant neoplasms, including in the anamnesis.
Donation of oocytes occurs only if the infertile couple is fully informed about this method of infertility treatment and if the donor is aware of the use of her eggs. For carrying out the procedure, the relevant documents are drawn up. The biomaterial transfer agreement is signed by the recipient and the donor of oocytes. Therefore, if you want to participate in a program of egg donation, make sure to study the legal aspect of the medical practice.
The procedure of egg donation may be the only solution for fertility-challenged couples to bear a biological child. There are good reasons why egg donation in Hindi means the happy event.
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