Signs And Symptoms Of Preterm Labor

Worries about a possible termination of pregnancy haunt women throughout the entire period of gestation.
- What is preterm labor?
- What triggers preterm labor?
- Diagnosis: symptoms of preterm labor
- Can preterm labor be stopped?
- Management and Treatment
- Prevention
- Maternal factors
- Factors related to the current pregnancy
In cases of increased anxiety in late gestation, the slightest change in well-being or physical manifestation forces the expectant mother to search the Internet for signs of premature birth.
If we are talking about IVF (including the transfer of cryofrozen embryos, anxiety is a priori increased, which also leads to a search for signs of premature birth with any unusual sensation.
To increase awareness, in this material we will consider what preterm birth is, what are the signs of preterm birth, preventive measures and the possibility of stopping this process.
What is preterm labor?
What triggers preterm labor?
There are no specific signs and symptoms of preterm labor, nor are the early signs of preterm labor reliably established. Large quantity risk factors make it impossible to accurately identify either the cause or early signs of preterm labor. In this regard, it is impossible to rely on any specific signs of premature birth that predict their likelihood. All risk factors are divided into two groups: maternal and those caused by the current pregnancy.
Maternal factors
This group includes termination of previous pregnancies (one or more), diagnostic operations and abortions, and surgical interventions in the genital area.
These factors in the anamnesis also do not explain what are the signs of premature birth that may be caused by them.
Factors related to the current pregnancy
To the group of factors presumably provoking, but not explaining,What signs of premature birth will be associated with the course of pregnancy include:
- Malnutrition, insufficient intake of nutrients, vitamins and microelements into the body.
- Bad habits.
- Age under 18 and over 35 years.
- Chronic stress.
- Premature rupture of membranes.
- Polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios.
- Severe systemic diseases, worsening of their course during gestation.
- Infections.
- Bacterial vaginosis.
- Placenta previa and premature abruption of a normally located placenta.
- Uterine bleeding.
- Injuries.
- Surgical interventions and precancerous conditions of the cervix.
The relationship between these factors and spontaneous termination of gestation is being actively studied. To date, no study has been able to establish what are the signs of premature birth that can tell a pregnant woman who has had the listed factors in her anamnesis that she urgently needs to see a doctor.
Diagnosis: symptoms of preterm labor
Can preterm labor be stopped?
In some cases this is possible if it is threatening or incipient. The doctor will prescribe special medications to stop or delay labor. If therapy does not work, the doctor will prescribe medications to help prepare the fetus for premature birth by helping its lungs and organs mature.
Management and Treatment
As noted, if premature birth cannot be stopped with medication, the doctor proceeds to determine delivery tactics and drug stimulation of the organs and systems of the fetus (a complex of tocolytics, magnesium sulfate, corticosteroids).
If you have a history of preterm labor, your doctor may prescribe progesterone to prevent labor from going too early and may also place a cervical suture to prevent the cervix from dilating. History of previous premature birth, and in particular analysis of blood and placental tissue of the fetus can provide information about the possible causes of this outcome (intrauterine infections of the fetus, chromosomal disorders, poisoning with toxic substances, etc.).
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Due to the low predictability of preterm birth, as well as the inability to detect early signs of preterm birth, recommendations for prevention are reduced to standard recommendations during pregnancy: a healthy lifestyle, giving up bad habits, a nutritious diet rich in vitamins and microelements, as well as regular visits to the doctor and confidential contact with him. Lack of stress and a positive attitude are much more important for a successful pregnancy than skeptical people think ― do not neglect this important condition.
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Are there hidden signs of preterm labor that pregnant women may not pay attention to?
read moreThe absence of specific signs of preterm labor does not allow us to call any physical manifestations hidden signs of impending premature labor. Even in the case of the presence of symptoms characteristic of labor, such as pain in the lower abdomen and lower back and uterine tone in 62% of cases turn out to be manifestations of concomitant diseases and are not associated with the future.When should you seek immediate medical attention for signs of preterm labor?
read moreYou should immediately consult a doctor in case of bleeding, strange discharge of fluid from the vagina, increasing painful contractions (with or without diarrhea, if the pregnant woman’s water has broken. Any unusual conditions should be discussed with a doctor a short time after their occurrence.Are there lesser-known signs of preterm labor that pregnant women should be aware of?
read moreNo, there are no specific rare or little-known signs of preterm labor that a pregnant woman can notice. The only thing that may indicate a high risk is a shortening of the cervix to 2.5 cm or less, detected by transvaginal ultrasound.How can increased awareness of certain symptoms help in early detection of preterm labor?
read moreIt is helpful for a pregnant woman to be able to distinguish between practice contractions (Braxton-Hicks contractions) and real ones. Otherwise, it is worth consulting with a doctor about any unusual symptoms to reduce anxiety and stress, which are a risk factor for preterm labor.