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What Can I Do to Improve My Health Before Trying to Get Pregnant?

  1. 🩺 Maintaining a healthy weight
  2. 🤰 More nutrients
  3. ⭐ Folic acid - required

And bringing your body into good shape at least 3 months before the start of attempts will only help get pregnant. Specialists at Feskov Human Reproductive Group, before using reproductive services, advise to pay attention to the following factors.

Maintaining a healthy weight

Body mass index (BMI) is important not only for overall health, but also for conception. Being underweight or overweight increases the chances of facing fertility problems.

BMI and possible risks:

  • below 19 - underweight, which can lead to irregular menstruation and, in general, the cessation of ovulation;
  • 19-24 are normal values;
  • more than 25 - overweight. An irregular cycle and problems with ovulation;
  • more than 30 - obesity. High blood pressure, gestational diabetes, thrombosis, miscarriage, venous disease.

It should be borne in mind that even if overweight women do not have problems with ovulation, the frequency of pregnancies is still lower than that of women with normal weight.

Therefore, at the planning stage of conception, you should calculate your body mass index and consult with your doctor in case of non-compliance with the norm.

More nutrients

Maintaining a healthy weight is important. However, the value of food is also of great importance.

A properly balanced diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, lean protein, whole grains and dairy products contribute to the normal functioning of the female reproductive system. And you need to start eating right before you start trying to conceive a baby.

Also, you can start taking special vitamin supplements for pregnant women, as advised by your doctor.

In women’s diet, it does not matter whether pregnant or not, at least 1000 mg calcium should be present. Which can be obtained from low-fat milk, yogurt, tofu, dark leafy greens.

Folic acid - required

Taking 400 mcg of folic acid daily is essential for women in their prime of fertility who want to get pregnant and are already pregnant. This is especially important in the first 12 weeks of fetal development. Since this substance reduces the risk of a baby getting a neural tube defect - a pathology when the spinal cord (an element of the nervous system) does not develop naturally.

Higher doses of the supplement are required in the following cases:

  1. The presence of pathology in one of the genetic parents.
  2. A relative had a neural tube defect (family history).
  3. The occurrence of a problem in previous pregnancies.
  4. Diabetes.
  5. Taking medication for epilepsy.

In addition to special preparations, folic acid is found in dark leafy greens, citrus fruits, cereals, legumes, and fortified foods.

In the event of a sudden pregnancy, the woman needs to start taking folates as soon as she knew about it. But it is better to do this long before conception.

Smoking cessation

Everyone knows that a bad habit like smoking can lead to many health problems. In addition to heart disease, lung cancer and stroke, it also negatively affects reproductive health, causing:

  • premature birth;
  • reduced birth weight;
  • sudden infant death syndrome;
  • lung problems and wheezing during the first six months of a baby's life.

According to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), women who smoke are less likely to conceive. As the number of cigarettes smoked daily increases, so does the risk of fertility problems.

Quitting smoking can be difficult. However, the sooner you quit this addiction, the more effectively the reproductive system will work.

By the way, the smoke from cigarettes (passive smoking) is also harmful. Therefore, you need to ask friends, family members and acquaintances not to smoke in the presence of a pregnant woman.

Limiting coffee and alcohol

When trying to conceive a child, it is important to limit your caffeine intake. Experts admit - 200-300 mg coffee a day. While there is no hard data on the harmful effects of caffeine on fertility, some research suggests otherwise.

Drinking alcohol is generally prohibited during pregnancy. However, even in the pre-conception period, it is necessary to reduce and, gradually, completely stop taking alcohol-containing beverages. Since, according to the available information, alcohol has a threshold effect on fertility. Some argue that less than 5 meals a week is not bad for health of mom and baby. But it is better to abandon this method of relaxation altogether. To avoid withdrawal symptoms during pregnancy, you can start long before.

Feasible physical activity

Both too intense sports training, and their complete absence, do not contribute to conception. Moderate physical activity and aerobic exercise (walking, golfing, leisurely cycling) for about 30 minutes a day is ideal for those wishing to get pregnant faster.

If a woman regularly goes in for sports, there is no point in stopping before conception. However, if several months have passed and the pregnancy has not occurred, the doctor may advise you to reduce their intensity.

Control of medication intake

Not all medications are safe for a pregnant women. Therefore, a woman should consult a doctor when:

  • she takes the prescribed medications and plans to conceive;
  • before she starts taking any medication;
  • a woman should not quit taking medications when she is aware of pregnancy.

It is also possible to get vaccinated against rubella if the appropriate vaccinations have not been previously received.

Sometimes, all the means have been tried, but the desired miracle does not come.,Feskov Human Reproductive Group will help you experience the happiness of being parents using modern reproductive methods: surrogacy, IVF, donation.


reproductive services fertility healthy baby


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