Anna Salnikova
Lawyer on Reproductive Rights and Policies in the Reproductive Area
FHRG Law department
- Biography
- Certificates
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Jurist and lawyer in the field of international law. Specializes in the field of civil and family law for the implementation of medical activities and healthcare in Ukraine. Engaged in the development, analysis and adaptation of contracts in accordance with the legal principles of the European Union countries, as well as the current norms of Ukrainian legislation. Provides a precise balance between strict adherence to the laws of the countries of origin of all parties in the process, the ethical requirements of reproduction and the interests of patients. In accordance with this, she guarantees impeccable conclusion and support of the contract, interaction with representatives and lawyers of EU countries. She also conducts patent, lawsuit and claim work.
In 2013 she graduated from Kharkov National University named after G.S. Skovoroda, majoring in Jurisprudence.
In 2014, she graduated from the National Law University named after Yaroslav the Wise with a degree in Law and qualified as a lawyer.
In 2016, she completed training for assistant judges at the National School of Judges of Ukraine.
In 2019, she received a certificate confirming her knowledge of the Italian language at level A1.
In 2020, she received the right to practice law in accordance with the decision of the Poltava Region Bar Council.
In 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024, she successfully completed advanced training as a lawyer
Fluency in languages: English, Ukrainian, Russian, Italian.
Since 2017 she has been working as a jurist at the Clinic of Prof. A.M. Feskov.
Line of business:
- jurisprudence
- international law
- advocacy, international advocacy
- medical legislation
- legislation for medical activities
- healthcare and regulation by law
- EU legislation
- conclusion of contracts
- support of contracts
Certificate of completion of training for assistant judgesNo. 075420
Certificate 3313 of advanced training in 2024
Certificate 3313 of advanced training in 2023
Certificate 3313 of advanced training in 2022
Certificate 3313 of advanced training in 2021
Certificate 3313 of advanced training in 2020
Certificate of knowledge of Italian language in 2019
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