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Healthy generation

Unlimited IVFs+PGD with your or donor oocytes. Guarantee of birth of healthy child. Implementation of Human Genomics Advanced scope for detection and prevention of genetic disorders 100 000€
  • 1

    All inclusive

  • 2

    Birth of absolutely healthy child

  • 3

    Extended legal support

  • 4

    Premium level of guest service for client

  • 5

    Choice of donor including Afroamerican, Indian and other ethnicities

  • 6

    PGT-M (PGD for single gene disorders)

YouTube Video project

Watch the video to learn more about the technology used in this package. watch the full video

Analytical step
  • Examination of male and female partner before IVF
  • Sperm capability tests: FISH, DNA-fragmentation, HBA-test, etc.; andrological examination; andrological treatment by indications (low sperm quality, azoospermia), stemm cells treatment
  • Female partner preparation before IVF, in case of low fertility disorders (hormonal treatment, PRP-treatment, stemm cells treatment, etc.)
  • Cryopreservation of semen, storage up to baby birth
  • Detection of clinically significant mutations in genome of male partner (Advanced carrier screening, Whole Genome/Exome Sequencing, assessing of detected findings)
  • Detection of clinically significant mutations in genome of female partner / egg donor (Advanced carrier Screening, Whole Genome Sequencing, assessing of detected findings in order to detect pathological mutations on embryos)
  • Individual genetic examination according requested health diorder, detection of causal mutation(s), personally-based on DNA sample of male and female partners test system for PGD producing
  • Stay in the VIP room of the clinic / VIP hotel, nutrition. Surrogate mother selection and preparation / headliner-> reserve carrier approach with consequential embryo transfe
  • Legal documents preparation: individual contract conditions, cooperation with customer’s insurance company, etc. Egg donor (s) selection and preparation according genotyping profile; Video with egg donor / live meeting, speaking with egg donor
  • Staying in DeLuxe level accommodation, hotel, 3 times food suppelment
Pregnancy achievement by IVF-PGD program. Selection of a healthy embryo + embryo transfer
  • Unlimited number of attempts with donor’s oocytes / with own eggs (autologous oocytes); medications (r-FSH) included
  • Unlimited number of IVF+ICSI programs + embryos biopsy & cryopreservation;
  • PICSI,IMSI (special methods for spermatozoa selection)
  • Preimplantation genetic diagnostics full genome screening by hr-NGS or Karyomapping for 1  casual mutation (single gene disorders + whole chromosome set + sex selection of embryo);
  • Unlimited quantity of embryo transfers only healthy embryos. Coverage chromosomes and genes level!
Medical monitoring of pregnancy+delivery in Ukraine
  • Pregnancy management, transfer and living expenses for surrogate mother
  • Insurance for surrogate mother (on 12th weeks of pregnancy)
  • Advanced approach  for pregnancy care of surrogate mother
  • Baby birth medical services, newborn baby care
  • Full compensation for surrogate mother services, including payments during the pregnancy
  • Advanced post-birth screening for single gene disorders, incl. ordered genes’ for prevention’; post-birth molecular genetic confirmation of provided PGD-examination of transferred embryos
Documents registration
  • Legal support (registration of documents for newborn child)
  • Guest services, translation, transportation
  • Cooperation for post birth legal support. Providing full set of documents, cooperation
Total amount:
100 000€
Request more information on the services provided by Feskov Human Reproduction Group.

We will put you in direct contact with the manager of the service you selected. You will be contacted as soon as possible.

  • 01

    Final decision for acceptance of man to program is making by IVF doctor of CHR «Clinic of prof. Feskov»;

  • 02

    Medical examinations must be perform in CHR «Clinic of prof. Feskov» only; Included opportunity to use own eggs

  • 03

    Payments according to individual schedule. No additional payments

  • 04

    For egg donation programs included option of an order for special phenotype egg donor (African, Asian, Indian phenotypes are represented in dynamical database)

  • 05

    According to conditions of package, CHR «Clinic of prof. Feskov» provides service of guarantee live birth of healthy child with exact sex selection, balanced chromosomes set, absence in genes of baby all possible inherited conditions from genetic parents (cancer predisposition, autoimmune diseases, metabolic disorders, endocrinological pathologies, neurological, single gene disorders, etc); in cases of miscarriage independently on term of pregnancy / child death before delivery / child death during delivery, all program will be done until couple will have baby. Management of multiple pregnancy (twins) is included

  • 06

    PGT-M for 1 casual mutation. The design of programme for more than 1 mutation detection is discussed additionally

  • 01

    Analytical step

    10 000 €
  • 02

    Selection of a healthy embryo

    30 000 €
  • 03

    1 month before embryo transfer

    15 000 €
  • 04

    During period between 12th and 13th weeks of gestation (embryo term)

    15 000 €
  • 05

    During period between 24th and 25th weeks of gestation (embryo term)

    15 000 €
  • 06

    After birth certificate registration

    15 000 €
Total amount:
100 000€

By accessing this website, you agree to the user agreement on the Agreement page.
  • Are frozen embryo transfers more successful?

    read more
    According to Statistics, yes. This allows you to choose the optimal cycle for embryo transfer, and most importantly, it allows you to make a biopsy of the embryo before freezing and transfer an absolutely healthy examined embryo
  • Does the DNA of a surrogate mother share?

    read more
    The surrogate mother does not pass on genes to the child. Because the surrogate child has no genetic connection with her
  • Does a baby inherit anything from a surrogate mother?

    read more
    Only genetic parents influence the child. Surrogacy clinics make sure that the surrogate mother is healthy and does not have bad habits. Then the pregnancy goes perfectly and the woman does not affect the growth of the child.
  • Does ICSI improve embryo quality?

    read more
    ICSI only improves the fertilization process. Further development of embryos already depends on the biological parameters of the sperm and egg
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