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DELUXE Guarantee IVF

Guaranteed IVF + PGD. Prevention of inheritance by child of gene mutations. Choice of child sex. 34 500€
  • 1

    Choice of sex

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    Premium level of services

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    Cover of all risks up to cildbirth

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    Genetically healthy child

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    Extended plan of program with own eggs

YouTube Video project

Watch the video to learn more about the technology used in this package. watch the full video

Analytical step
  • Examination of a couple before IVF
  • Andrological examination, sperm tests: FISH, DNA-fragmentation, HBA-test
  • Cryopreservation of semen + storage up to baby birth fertility conditions medical preparation before IVF (by indications, care of moderate level disorders)
  • Detection of clinically significant mutations in genome of male partner (Carrier Screening, Whole Genome Sequencing, assessing of detected findings)
  • Detection of clinically significant mutations in genome of female partner (Carrier Screening, Whole Exome Sequencing/VUS, assessing of detected findings)
  • Staying in VIP room of clinic / hotel VIP level, meal during program, Guest services, translation, transportation during whole program
Preganancy achievement by IVF selection of a healthy embryos + embryo transfer
  • Unlimited number of IVF+ICSI programs + embryos biopsy & cryopreservation
  • PICSI,IMSI + other required special methods for spermatozoa selection embryos cultivation in EmbryoScope system (morphokinetic assessment)
  • Preimplantation genetic diagnostics full genome screening by high resolution-NGS (whole chromosome set + sex selection of embryo); Unlimited number of embryos assessment;
  • Unlimited quantity of embryo transfers only healthy embryos. Endometrium Preparation by hormonal treatment/by natural cycle care application of Artificial implantation window (PBMC) before embryo transfer.
  • Stemm cells treatment in case of miscarriage/repeated implantation failures Advanced andrologic treatment (for extremely low sperm quality). Embryo banking approach (by medical indications)
Pregnancy management (remotely care)
  • Medical consultations, providing medication for pregnancy care (for EU-living patients; other counties by individualcoordination
  • Legal consultations (insurance care cooperation).
  • Providing new IVF treatment in case of pregnancy termination in all terms for stable conditions without additional payments
Total amount:
34 500€
Request more information on the services provided by Feskov Human Reproduction Group.

We will put you in direct contact with the manager of the service you selected. You will be contacted as soon as possible.

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    Final decision for acceptance of man to program is making by IVF doctor of CHR «Clinic of prof. Feskov»;

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    According to conditions of package, CHR «Clinic of prof. Feskov» provides service of guarantee live birth of healthy child with exact sex selection, balanced chromosomes set, screened for all possible inherited conditions from genetic parents (cancer predisposition, autoimmune diseases, metabolic disorders, endocrinological pathologies, neurological, single gene disorders, etc); in cases of miscarriage independently on term of pregnancy / child death before delivery / child death during delivery, all program will be done until couple will have baby. Management of multiple pregnancy (twins) is covered by the contract conditions.

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    Medical examinations must be perform in CHR «Clinic of prof. Feskov» only

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    Payments according to individual schedule. No additional payments

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    Fertility conditions medical preparation before IVF divided for moderate and advanced according sperm quality condition, ovarian reserve status, oocytes quality, conditions of endometrium and uterus. For man is provided all kind of medicamentosus and surgical treatment (incl. sperm extraction methods. For woman included all kind of medicamentosus treatment and surgical preparations before IVF (incl. hysteroscopy, laparoscopy), PRP-treatment. Stemm cells treatment is provided by indication of IVF doctor for woman; by andrologist for a man. Gender selection is available for medical reasons

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    In case of no healthy embryos were achieved with own oocytes of Customers, program continues with egg donation according the same conditions for of medical services, according current offer of DELUXE packages options. Egg donation is charged by Feskov Human reproduction group. Custumers are not paying.

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    No later than 14 banking days from the moment of signing the present Contract

    7 500€
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    Within 7 banking days before the start of IVF program or advanced fertility conditions treatment

    27 000€
Total amount:
34 500€

By accessing this website, you agree to the user agreement on the Agreement page.
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