Natalia Svyatetz
International Outreach Manager
FHRG Department for the organization of programs for foreign patients
- Biography
- Certificates
- Publications
- Pages
Specializes in coordinating reproductive programs between patients (English and Chinese language segments) and medical staff. Documentation and analysis of statistics. Research into promising areas for the development of ART programs.
Received higher education at Kharkov Aerospace University
In 2006-2007 and 2017-2018 she studied Chinese中文系, at the Confucius Institute at the Karazin Kharkov National University.
From 2012 to 2017 she worked in China.
Passed translation and work practices, including on medical topics (颐和轩Sanya,秀态艺术培训机构Luoyang, Shenzhen).
She has been working in the clinic from 2023 to the present day
Line of business:
- management and communication of Chinese patient programs
- consulting clients on clinic services
- work with international registration
Certificate No. 23242 of completion of student courses (level D) at the Confucius Institute at the Kharkov Karazin National UniversityDecember 04, 2023
Certificate No. 180249 of completion of student courses (level E) at the Confucius Institute at the Kharkov Karazin National UniversityDecember 18, 2018
Certificate No. 180060 of completion of student courses (level D) at the Confucius Institute at the Kharkov Karazin National UniversityFebruary 26, 2018
Pages and Articles
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