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Pros of surrogate motherhood in Ukraine

When the couple decides to take advantage of this reproductive service, one of the topical issues is the choice of the country in which this is best done. Then the attention of many married couples turns to Ukraine, and this is correct, because Ukraine can rightly be called one of the most comfortable countries for the use of the newest reproductive technologies, including surrogate motherhood

Jan 01, 2018
Prices for surrogate motherhood in Europe

In 2025, new prices are fixed in European countries where surrogacy is practised. These are the countries of Great Britain, the Netherlands, Greece, Belgium, Ukraine. The minimum price for the guaranteed service is 35000 euros. The amount of compensation for the services of a surrogate mother starts from 15000 euros.

Dec 25, 2017
Eating rules for a surrogate mother

Pregnancy is a very important process, because it is necessary to create for the embryo all the conditions for its growth. And one of the important components is the mother's nutrition. Along with food substances that are necessary to ensure that the fetus can receive the necessary "building materials" in time and develop fully, come into the female body, and the woman's body can easily endure this special condition.

Dec 24, 2017
Why surrogate motherhood in Ukraine is in demand among Europeans

Choosing reproductive services in Ukraine, couples will be able to select the gene material in such a way that the child's external features look like them. In Ukraine, surrogate motherhood is cheap with a very high level of reproductive services offered. Therefore, among Europeans, there is a great demand for the use of these reproductive technologies in Ukraine.

Dec 05, 2017
Unique Cases of Giving Birth to Children

Pregnancy, childbirth, motherhood... In most cases these are completely natural processes inherent in nature and not causing any special response among others. But sometimes there are unique cases of giving birth to children which can inspire and shock at times. Most of them have occurred due to ART. On the other hand, in a situation where there is no opportunity to conceive and carry healthy children artificial insemination as a way to find happiness of motherhood after years of infertility is something incredible.

Jul 20, 2017
Scandalous Case with Legislation in Russia

Surrogacy. It existed, it exists and it will exist regardless of whether this process is regulated by law or surrogate motherhood will be a kind of criminal business. For someone this is something disgusting and akin to trafficking, for someone it is the last hope, a chance to feel the joy and charm of motherhood, and for someone the opportunity to cheat and earn a lot of money.

Jul 20, 2017
News in the World of ART

Reproductive medicine, embryology, genetics are sciences that walk alongside. Discoveries in one of them make breakthroughs in the other. Scientific progress is moving forward at such a speed that it is sometimes difficult for an ordinary person to imagine in which direction and how far the next leap will take place. Assisted reproductive technologies, “fertilization in vitro” in particular seemed to be something fantastic no more than 30 to 40 years ago, nowadays it is quite tangible therapy in the treatment of infertility. And new discoveries are definitely exciting even for the most persistent and experienced inhabitants.

Jul 20, 2017
Upper Age Limits for Parents

A thorny path to a chance of having children is sometimes too long for some couples. Sometimes attempts to become pregnant, to solve the problem of infertility take more than a decade. Most countries of the world where assistive reproductive technologies are widely used have certain limits that definitely restrict the upper age of parents. What is the situation with age limitations for ART in Ukraine and in the neighboring Russian Federation?

Jul 20, 2017


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