Blog - Page 4
Fertility (translation from Latin) is the ability of a person to reproduce quality offspring. In relation to the female sex, this means that she is able to conceive a healthy baby.
Due to the annual increase in the number of couples experiencing difficulties with childbearing, egg donor services are in high demand, for which supply is not always in time. ART is still prohibited in many countries or access to them is severely restricted. A number of countries prohibit anonymous donation and require couples who use this service to provide information about a donor to a child upon reaching the age of 18 upon request. Not everywhere donors can count on rewards. In the UK, Greece and Canada, they are entitled to a small compensation for expenses incurred and lost earnings.
The problem of infertility every year affects an increasing number of couples. Without losing hope of having a baby, hundreds of thousands of couples turn to egg donation services. When childless couples try to solve the problem of infertility and look for egg donation next to me, they don’t take into account that donation is not allowed in all countries by law. In some countries, only their citizens (India) or only heterosexual couples in an officially registered marriage have access to this service.
What to do if a woman really wants children, but because of health problems she cannot carry and give birth to them on her own? Modern medicine offers a way out of this situation - the use of a surrogate mother.
According to statistics, there are about 48.5 million infertile couples in the world and about 40 million women diagnosed with "infertility". This huge figure shows how acute this problem is today.
- Surrogate motherhood - how not to be deceived
- Advantages of guaranteed surrogacy programs over programs with guaranteed compensation
- Surrogacy in Mexico: What You Need to Know
- Disadvantages of Egg Donation - Only Truth about the Procedure
Jun 12, 2018 - What are the Rights of Surrogate a Mother?
Apr 08, 2018 - Unique Cases of Giving Birth to Children
Jul 20, 2017
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