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Advantages of guaranteed surrogacy programs over programs with guaranteed compensation

Today, surrogacy is becoming an increasingly popular area of reproductive medicine, because with its help, people who, for various medical reasons, cannot have a child in the traditional way, get the opportunity to become parents of their genetic baby.

Mar 29, 2023
Surrogacy in Colombia: What You Should Learn (Costs, Rights, and More)

Surrogacy in Colombia is an actively developing area of reproductive tourism in the last few years. In this country, with the help of a surrogate mother, locals and foreigners, heterosexual families and LGBT couples, as well as single people who have difficulty conceiving a child naturally, can become parents.

Mar 13, 2023
What Is Azoospermia: Treatment, Causes, Symptoms and More

In the media space, men's health is in most cases spoken of in the context of sexual well-being, with only occasional mention of reproductive health. And only when men begin to plan fatherhood, for some, the problem of infertility due to the male factor arises. One of the causes of male infertility is azoospermia - the absence of sperm in the seminal fluid.

Feb 26, 2023
Citizenship By Birth in Case of Surrogacy

A lot of people who have problems with childbearing plan to seek help from reproductive clinics abroad. The reasons may be different: the possibility for a child to obtain citizenship of a prosperous country, and the factor of economic benefit, and legal restrictions in their native country.

Dec 13, 2022
How to Become a Surrogate for a Friend or Family Member

Surrogacy is an exceptionally complex process. Not only gestation of pregnancy requires remarkable strength from a woman, but also the psychological study of her condition, role and emotional attitude to the newborn. If at the same time a woman is a surrogate mother for her relatives or friends, the stage of psychological study becomes more complicated at times.

Nov 21, 2022
Surrogacy in Canada: A Guide for Parents-to-be

Interest in surrogacy in Canada is consistently high among childless people around the world. This is largely due to the acquisition of Canadian citizenship by newborns and the non-commercial nature of surrogacy. People on a budget see this as an opportunity to save money on surrogate mother's fees.

Oct 06, 2021
Facts and Myths About Predicting the Sex of Your Baby

In most cases, after the pregnancy test showed the cherished two strips, the couple begins to ask the main questions - when will the baby be born and what gender will it be? For many parents-to-be, knowing the gender helps to get closer to the baby in the tummy.

Sep 28, 2021
Surrogacy: criteria for finding a surrogate mother, legislation, compensation payments

People who are unable to bear a child resort to the help of surrogate mothers. Finding a surrogate mother is a responsible, difficult, time-consuming and costly event. It is necessary to take into account not only a lot of factors at the same time: the legislation of the country in which the search for a surrogate mother is carried out, the approximate amount of compensation payments during pregnancy, personal sympathy, suitability for surrogacy (medical, physical, psychological one). 

Sep 17, 2021
Ethical Issues of Surrogate Motherhood: Detailed Overview

The period of waiting for a child is the most long-awaited and wonderful period in the life of most women. Unfortunately, not all of them can give birth to a baby on their own. In this case, surrogacy may be the best solution to make your cherished dream come true. 

Feb 26, 2021
New Intended Parents: How to Bond with Your Newborn

The first precious moments next to a newborn are what future parents dream of. A mixture of excitement, anxiety and awe is natural to experience in a situation like this. However, with surrogate pregnancy, these feelings can be exacerbated.

Feb 23, 2021


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