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Surrogacy in Ukraine: Legal Aspects

Since surrogacy became legal as a method of fertility treatment in 2002, Ukraine has become a mecca for foreign couples with fertility problems who are desperate to find a surrogate mother. Demand rose sharply after India, Nepal and Thailand banned commercial services.

May 14, 2021
Whose Name Goes On The Birth Certificate In Surrogacy?

People who have chosen the surrogacy method to experience the joys of motherhood and fatherhood usually worry about various points. One of the most important ones is whether their names will be listed on the baby's birth certificate as real parents. 

Apr 22, 2021
Surrogacy preparation in Belgium: All aspects

Surrogacy in Belgium is of great interest to childless couples in France, Monaco, Luxembourg, Switzerland and other French-speaking countries. Since assisted reproductive technologies (ART) with the participation of a surrogate mother are legally prohibited in these countries, future parents start searching for suitable clinics in the nearest countries. If you have chosen Belgium - this article will serve as a reliable source of information.

Apr 15, 2021
The biggest Surrogacy News from 2020

Surrogacy is an ever-changing field. But, due to the COVID-19 pandemic this year, all areas of our life have suffered, including this one. However, despite all the difficulties, Feskov Human Reproductive Group, observing all safety requirements, continues to provide reproductive services for people in need of help. Let us consider the top news of 2020.

Mar 18, 2021
Ethical problems of surrogacy in the modern world

Ethical problems of surrogacy: ethical problems of surrogacy in the modern world

Feb 01, 2021
Surrogacy Contracts: Your Map for a Successful Surrogacy Journey

The surrogacy agreement is a document of paramount importance in the entire process. It protects the rights and interests of all participants in the event: intended parents, a surrogate and a baby. A well-written and detailed agreement acts as a roadmap, showing the sequence of actions, defining legal rights and obligations, providing clarity in the event of force majeure. 

Jan 04, 2021
5 Tips for Travelling with Your Baby After A Surrogacy Birth

So the surrogate journey has come to the end. The birth of own baby is the most magical moment in the life of intended parents. But what to do next?

Oct 15, 2020
Historical Changes to Surrogate Laws in Israel

On February 27, 2020, the Israeli Supreme Court ordered the government to amend the law on surrogate motherhood within a year, providing access to the service for same-sex couples and single men.

Mar 19, 2020
How UK surrogacy is regulated

The Feskov Human Reproduction Group blog, which covers reproduction issues, has a large audience. Our readers have repeatedly expressed the desire to receive information on the topic - “Surrogacy in the UK”. For whom is the service available? Are there any legal restrictions?

Mar 16, 2020
Reasons why surrogacy should be allowed

Surrogacy is an inexhaustible source of disagreement, both at the domestic and global levels. Opponents insist on the abnormality of this method of reproduction, although what can  may be more normal than the desire of a married couple to raise their baby. At the Center for Human Reproduction  of prof. Feskov A.M. know everything about it.

Feb 24, 2020


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