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Surrogacy in the UK: legal services

Feskov Human Reproductive Group team includes not only experienced doctors of all specializations, embryologists, laboratory assistants, nurses, administrators and managers, but also qualified lawyers who specialize in the field of surrogacy not only in Ukraine, but all over the world. 

Dec 28, 2021
Ukraine's surrogate mothers struggle under quarantine

The crisis COVID-19 has affected all areas of human activity. It did not bypass reproductive medicine, in particular surrogacy. In the spring of 2020, during quarantine, Ukraine found itself in the very epicenter of an international scandal related to this method of ART. 

Dec 16, 2021
Surrogacy in Ukraine: Legal Aspects

Since surrogacy became legal as a method of fertility treatment in 2002, Ukraine has become a mecca for foreign couples with fertility problems who are desperate to find a surrogate mother. Demand rose sharply after India, Nepal and Thailand banned commercial services.

May 14, 2021
Egg Donation Costs in the UK

UK laws for egg donation allow exclusively non-commercial reporting and prohibit anonymity. Moreover, the legislation obliges parents to inform children who have reached the age of 18 of the circumstances of their birth and the full information about the donor at the first request. As a result, the number of offers declined sharply and demand rose, leading to shortages and lengthening the waiting lists for programs to several years. Even after several increases in recent years, compensation is less than a thousand pounds. Thus, the prices of egg donation in the UK are not determined by fee, but by the cost of accompanying medical procedures. The final amount is quite impressive, given the limited number of oocytes and IVF, which do not always become successful from the first attempts. 

Sep 04, 2020
Egg donor in Ukraine

Over the past few years, Ukraine has held the status of one of the leaders in the field of reproductive technologies. The level of ART is not inferior to the world leader - the United States, and prices are on average 5 times lower. Therefore, if you need an egg donor, Ukraine is an indisputable option. Indisputable thanks to guaranteed program «Egg donation» in the Ukrainian egg donors clinic  Feskov Human Reproduction Group.

Aug 11, 2020
FHRG Commentary on BioTexCom Scandal

Controversial and debatable issues regarding surrogate motherhood in Ukraine are raised not the first time in the last year. Today we decide to comment extensively on events and express our point of view.

May 20, 2020
How UK surrogacy is regulated

The Feskov Human Reproduction Group blog, which covers reproduction issues, has a large audience. Our readers have repeatedly expressed the desire to receive information on the topic - “Surrogacy in the UK”. For whom is the service available? Are there any legal restrictions?

Mar 16, 2020
TOP 5 surrogate clinics in Ukraine

Thanks to the rapid evolution of reproductive innovations and the assistance of the state, over the past two decades Ukraine has become a real “mecca” for people from all over the world who want to find parental happiness. This was facilitated by favorable legal conditions under which legislation fully observes the interests of genetic parents and legitimizes the services of surrogate mothers and donors.

Mar 09, 2020
Reasons why surrogacy should be allowed

Surrogacy is an inexhaustible source of disagreement, both at the domestic and global levels. Opponents insist on the abnormality of this method of reproduction, although what can  may be more normal than the desire of a married couple to raise their baby. At the Center for Human Reproduction  of prof. Feskov A.M. know everything about it.

Feb 24, 2020
Egg donor in the UK

UK law has introduced extremely unpopular measures in the field of regulation of reproductive legislation. Due to the cancellation of anonymous donation, the egg donor bank in the UK has thinned a lot. Since 2005, children born using donor oocytes have the right to learn all about their biological mother. This measure also did not contribute to the popularization of donation services. The resulting  serious lack of donors has led to the fact that a donor egg for IVF in England can become available to a childless couple after 2-3 years of waiting. Well, the state support measures served by the final chord: the remuneration is fixed, the egg donor in the UK costs about 750 pounds.

Jan 14, 2020


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